Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

HOWTO: Uninstall the email gateway



ID: ZTN1318

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax Email Gateway version 5.5 to Version 8.0.1

Note: this technical note does NOT apply to version 9 or later versions of Zetafax.


The email gateway is installed using a separate installation package than the Zetafax Server. However, this setup program does not include an uninstall feature. This technical note explains how to remove the email gateway without uninstalling the Zetafax Server.

More information

To uninstall the email gateway, you must first disable it and then manually remove its files.

  1. In the Zetafax Configuration, open Server Settings, then Email Gateway.
  2. Click on the Disabled radio button.

A message will appear advising you that this will invalidate any email forwarding rules. Click OK.

  1. Click on OK and then close the Zetafax Configuration.
  2. Close down the Zetafax Server software.
  3. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Zetafax root folder on the drive where the email gateway is installed (eg: C:\ZFAX).
  4. Delete the MAIL subfolder. This removes all the email gateway system files.
  5. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Windows root folder (eg: C:\Windows or C:\WINNT).
  6. Delete the STM.INI file.

The email gateway is now uninstalled.


For additional information on the email gateway, please see the following Zetafax technical notes:

ZTN1238-HOWTO Install the email gateway for Exchange 5.5 and Exchange 2000

ZTN1294-PRB Email gateway troubleshooting for Zetafax

Last updated: 20 April 2004 (EB/SV)

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