Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

HOWTO: Troubleshoot Zetafax Goldmine Add-on



ID: ZTN1427

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 9.1
  • Zetafax GoldMine Add-on


This document is a trouble-shooting guide that should enable users/system administrators to track down and diagnose any problems they might be experiencing with the Zetafax GoldMine add-on.

It is intended that this document be read in parallel with the GoldMine integration help files (see the Zetafax Client help) and technical notes that relate to the configuration and use of Zetafax GoldMine add-ons, for more information on installation and configuration please refer ZTN1425-HOWTO Install the Zetafax Goldmine Add-on.

WARNING: Some sections of this document refer to using the Windows Registry Editor. Using the Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Equisys cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

More information

General troubleshooting hints and tips:

This section provides some general information that may be useful when troubleshooting the Zetafax GoldMine add-in.

Check the GoldMine log file. This is called gm.log and can be located in the user's temporary folder. Under Windows 2000 and Windows XP, this folder is c:\Documents and Settings\< username> \Local Settings\Temp. There are four types of message that are logged to gm.log. These are:

    1. Error - Serious events that usually prevent the user from proceeding with their task
    2. Warning - Less serious events that may require attention
    3. Information - Informational events only, to allow users/administrators to monitor what is happening
    4. External Source - Events logged by an external application that is connected to the Zetafax-GoldMine integration library.

A typical log entry takes the following format:

< date> < time> < Log Entry type> < Log message> < Developer reference>

For example:

21-12-2004 14:10 ERROR Failed to log user onto GoldMine. (Cannot validate the licence file.) .\GMConn.cpp 809

Resolving Specified Problems:

The remainder of this document focuses upon particular symptoms and their resolution


Cannot connect to GoldMine

Resolution process

  1. Ensure the username and password correspond to a valid GoldMine username and password
  2. Ensure that the path text box in the GoldMine Options dialog points to the root GoldMine folder, e.g. C:\program files\GoldMine\
  3. If this does not resolve the problem, then it is possible that the registry keys holding the logon information has become damaged.  A system administrator will need to clear out this portion of the registry.  To do this:
    1. Ensure you are logged onto the machine as the Windows user who is experiencing the problem and that the Zetafax Client is not running.
    2. Open the registry using Windows Registry Editor (run "regedit.exe" from the Run. menu).
    3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Equisys\\Zetafax\\GoldMine
    4. If present, delete the following keys and values:
      1. ZFCLIENT_UN
      3. ZFCLIENT_RM
    5. Restart the Zetafax Client
  4. Ensure that zfGMLib.dll exists on the client machine (generally in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Equisys), and that this file has been registered using regsvr32.exe.


A search for a contact does not yield any results.

Resolution process

  1. Logon to GoldMine as the same user that was used to connect through the Zetafax Client and ensure that the contact(s) can be seen.
  2. Check whether the Zetafax Client has enough information to connect to the correct GoldMine database (only applicable if the GoldMine database is located in a folder that is NOT < GoldMine install folder> \Common\.  To verify that Zetafax is connecting to the correct database, do the following:
    1. Browse to the GoldMine install folder.
    2. Open < username> .ini where < username> is the GoldMine username
    3. Look for a section called [GoldMine]
    4. In this section, find an entry called 'CommonDir'.    The value associated with this key should point to your GoldMine database folder.
    5. If the ini file is missing, log onto GoldMine and connect to the appropriate database. The ini file should be generated automatically.
    6. If the section or entry is missing from the ini file, a system administrator may be able to add it manually.  It will look something like this:


CommonDir = c:\mydatabases\mycontacts_db\


The GoldMine address book in the Zetafax client is not visible from the Search drop-down button in the Addressing Wizard, or the Publish to GoldMine menu item is greyed out.

Problem resolution

  1. Check that you are running the correct version of the Zetafax Client.  It should be have file version 9.0.xxx or later.
  2. Check that your Zetafax server has a valid licence for GoldMine.


The gm.log says that I provided a blank mobile number for sending an SMS message.  I don't think that I did.

Problem Resolution

By default, the Outbound functionality assumes that the 'Phone3' field within a GoldMine contact record is the correct number to use for sending an SMS message.  If your mobile phone numbers are stored in a different field, then this setting can be over-ridden by adding a registry setting.  To do this, do the following:

    1. Open regedit
    2. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Equisys\\Zetafax\\ZfToGM
    3. Create a new key called 'Mphone'
    4. The value of this field should be either 'Phone1' or 'Phone2' or 'Phone3' as appropriate.
    5. Note that this is an 'all or nothing' setting, and that the field used cannot be configured on a message-by-message basis.


ZTN1425-HOWTO Install the Zetafax Goldmine Add-on

ZTN1426-HOWTO Use the Goldmine Add-on

Last updated: 13th Jan  2005 (EB/SV)

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