Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

FIX: Error when sending a report to Zetadocs when the default printer has a long name



ID: ZTN4388

This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Zetadocs for NAV 7.0


When sending a Zetadocs enabled report and the default printer has a long name or long UNC path, the following error will be displayed:


This was due to a limitation in Zetadocs for NAV where the full path name of the default printer could not exceed 100 characters.


This issue has been resolved in the April update rollup (7.0.392) of Zetadocs for NAV, available for download here.


This behaviour was corrected in the update detailed above.

Last updated: 24th April 2015 (NT) 

Keywords: length string less than equal 100 characters

Equisys Logo, Document Management and Expense Management for Business Central

Zetadocs is software for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and NAV (Navision) that manages the capture, storage and delivery of documents relating to financial transactions.