INFO: Common Programming Problems with the COM API
ID: ZTN1273
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
This technical note lists some common problems encountered when using the COM API and gives information on how to solve them.
More information
Q. I am adding an attachment to a NewMessage object with NewMessage.Attachments.Add, but when I send the fax it fails with the error "Can't open graphics file < filename> ".
The "Attachments" collection refers to Zetafax public/private attachments, and not attached files. To attach a file you should use the NewMessage.Files collection. i.e. the line:
oNewMessage.Attachments.Add(" c:\arbitrary.bmp" )
Should be changed to:
oNewMessage.Files.Add(" c:\arbitrary.bmp" )
Q. I have used the "Send Fax" sample code shipped with the COM API and I get the error "Object does not support this property or method".
There is a mistake in the sample code shipped with the COM API. The line:
Set oNewMessage = oZfAPI.CreateNewMsg
Should read:
Set oNewMessage = oUserSession.CreateNewMsg
Q. Once I have sent a fax using NewMessage.Send how do I track the status of the message?
This cannot be done with version 7.5 of the COM API. You therefore have two options:
- Upgrade to Zetafax 8. Version 8 of the COM API has a NewMessage.Body property which, after the message has been sent, contains the message body of the fax. This allows you to identify the message as follows:
Dim oZfAPI As New ZfLib.ZfAPI
Dim oUserSession As ZfLib.UserSession
Dim oNewMessage As ZfLib.NewMessage
Dim oOutbox As ZfLib.Outbox
Dim oMsg As ZfLib.Message
' Logon and create NewMessage:
Set oUserSession = oZfAPI.Logon(" HHUNTER" , False)
Set oNewMessage = oUserSession.CreateNewMsg
' Set properties:
oNewMessage.Recipients.AddFaxRecipient " Sam Smith" , _
" ACME plc" , " 020 7123 4567"
oNewMessage.Text = " I am a fax!"
oNewMessage.Subject = " I am a subject"
' Send!
' Get Status of new message
Set oOutbox = oUserSession.Outbox
Set oMsg = oOutbox.GetMsg(oNewMessage.Body)
MsgBox oMsg.GetMsgInfo.Subject
- Use the C API. The function ZfxSendSubmitFile's final parameter is a buffer which contains the message body name of the fax if it was successfully submitted for sending.
Last updated: 07 April 2003 (AG/DH)