HOWTO: Configure Zetafax 9.1 and later with Windows 2000/3 terminal services mixed mode
ID: ZTN1372
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax 9.1 and later
- Windows 2000/3 terminal services (including the Citrix Metaframe 1.8/XP add-ons)
This document details how to deploy Zetafax in a Windows 2000/3 terminal services application server environment, when users wish to print from an application within the terminal session but have the Zetafax client installed on their standard Windows workstation (rich client).
NOTE: Equisys do not support the Zetafax server or email gateway installations when installed directly on the terminal server, but rather on a separate computer accessible via a network share. Outlook extensions are supported as per ZTN1403
More information
The Zetafax client can be configured so that a user can 'Print to Fax' from within the terminal session or the Zetafax client that is installed on the users rich client. To enable this functionality follow the instructions below:
NOTE: For V 9.0.208 and V9.0.300 users you need to update to 9.1 before you begin. This can be downloaded from here Version 9 updates
NOTE: Version 9.1 users should also refer to this technical note to resolve an issue with the Zetafax client print control program. For more information please refer to ZTN1450 Print to fax addressing dialog is not presented in a terminal session running Zetafax 9.1
This fix has been rolled into all subsequent versions of Zetafax.
After you have downloaded (if required) these updates work through the following steps.
You must follow the next two steps that are detailed further in this document: (This applies to all versions of Zetafax)
- Install the Zetafax client on the terminal server system, then change it's configuration to support mixed mode.
- Install the Zetafax client on the rich client and then change its configuration to also pick up printed documents from the terminal session printer.
Installing the Zetafax client on the terminal server:
Note: The client must be installed directly on the terminal server and not from within an RDP session
1. Log onto the application server as the network administrator and run zfax\SYSTEM\WKSETUP.EXE, where 'zfax' is the name of the directory where the Zetafax files are installed.
2. Select the appropriate language then click OK.
3. At the welcome screen click Next> , then Next> again, and then Install. After the install wizard has completed the installation wizard click Finish.
4. The Zetafax printer and Zetafax program group will now be installed on the terminal server and be available to all users that have Zetafax user accounts.
NOTE: If required apply the client update at this stage. Then continue to the next stage.
5. Using notepad, open ZFCLIENT.INI, which should be located in the Zetafax Program files folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Zetafax), and change:
LogArea: %TEMP%
LogArea: %USER%
then save the changes and exit.
6. Browse to Program files\Zetafax and rename the ZETAFAX.EXE to TSZETAFAX.EXE. This step is to stop the client starting up automatically in the terminal session and offering the addressing dialog.
7. Launch the Zetafax client in the terminal session from the Zetafax program group, the operating system will attempt to locate ZETAFAX.EXE automatically and should be able to redirect the shortcut to the renamed TSZETAFAX.EXE. This step is only necessary if you wish the Zetafax client to be available to users in the terminal session also.
Installing the Zetafax client on the rich client:
1. Log onto the rich client as administrator and run zfax\SYSTEM\WKSETUP.EXE, where 'zfax' is the name of the directory where the Zetafax files are installed.
2. At the welcome screen click Next> , then Next> again, and then Install. After the install wizard has completed the installation wizard click Finish.
3. Using notepad, open ZFCLIENT.INI, which should be located in the Zetafax Program files folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Zetafax), and change:
LogArea: %TEMP%
LogArea: %USER%
then save the changes and exit.
Testing the installation:
1. Log onto the rich client as a user with a valid Zetafax account and start the Zetafax client.
2. Start a terminal services client session, logging on as the same user that is logged on in the rich client.
3. Browse to the printers' folder in the terminal session, highlight the Zetafax printer and go to File | Properties, then print a test page.
4. You will get a message asking you to run the Zetafax client in the terminal session, click OK.
5. The addressing dialog box will popup on the rich client, address the fax with a test fax number, confirm the options and then send.
6. Now on the rich client session repeat process of printing a test document from the printers folder to verify that the user can print documents locally.
NOTE: if you have any problems please refer to the troubleshooting section below.
Is embedded addressing supported with terminal services?
Yes the embedded addressing feature is supported with the Zetafax printer within a terminal session from with Version 9 and later but please note that it is not supported on Windows NT 4 terminal servers.
When using Zetafax within terminal services how do I install the office addins?
If users wish to install the Zetafax office addins, each user then needs to install them by following the instructions in the Word document titled 'Installing the Zetafax Office Addins'. This document can be found in the Zetafax program group.
When I print a document to the Zetafax printer I do not get the Zetafax addressing dialog box, even if the Zetafax client is running.
On printing the document to the Zetafax printer you should be presented with the Zetafax addressing dialog box, if not this may be due to the 'daemon' process not running in the terminal session. To check for this, start Task Manager and check to see if ZFDAEMON.EXE is listed in the current processes. If it is not running then copy zfax\SYSTEM\I386\ZFDAEMON.EXE to the 'All users' startup group and restart the session.
When I print to the Zetafax printer the client does not automatically startup.
This feature is not supported in mixed mode, in this mode the client must be running when you print the document for the addressing dialog box to pop up.
I have changed from standard mode to mixed mode and I do not get the addressing dialog.
Search for all instances of ZFCLIENT.INI on the terminal server and delete the instance for the user experiencing the problem, as this instance is taking precedence over the edited instance located in the windows system folder.
I am receiving an error message when printing to the Zetafax printer regarding disk write failed.
You will need to change the access rights of the Zetafax printer installed on the terminal server. Log in to the terminal server as the administrator and browse to the printers folder, highlight the Zetafax printer and go to File | Properties, then select the 'Device Settings' tab. Locate the 'Access specific share on server' section and enable this feature to use the administrator account preceded with the NT domain name (e.g. DOMAIN\administrator) and password. Click OK to save your changes and retry the print job.

ZTN1290 INFO Summary of Zetafax features supported in a terminal services environment
ZTN1149-HOWTO Enabling 'Print to Fax' with published applications in Windows 2000/2003 terminal services.
ZTN1132-HOWTO Configure Zetafax 7 with Windows 2000 terminal services (mixed mode)
ZTN1131-HOWTO Configure Zetafax 7 with Windows 2000 terminal services
ZTN1371-HOWTO Configure Zetafax 9.1 and later with Windows 2000 & 2003 terminal services
ZTN1403 HOWTO Install Zetafax Outlook extension on a terminal server system
Last updated 03 November 2005 (LD/SV/EB)
Date published 21 June 2004 (SV/AK)
Keywords < Terminal services> < Mixed mode> < Citrix>