HOWTO: Render PDF documents sent via the email gateway when using Adobe Acrobat 7
ID: ZTN1452
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
· Zetafax 9.0 and above
On systems where you are trying to render PDF documents via the email gateway you may see the following behaviour.
1. Creating a fax in the Outlook extensions and attaching more than one PDF document results in only one of the attached documents being rendered by Adobe Acrobat Reader and sent with the fax.
2. Creating a fax in the Outlook extensions and attaching more than one PDF document with Japanese characters causes the fax to be rendered incorrectly by DOCTIFF and sent with the fax.
This technical note details the process of enabling Zetafax to render PDF files using Adobe 7.
More information
If using Zetafax V9 you need to download an updated .df2 file from the Equisys website using the following link.
Extract it to an empty folder on your Zetafax server system. The work through the following steps on the Zetafax server system.
If using Zetafax 2006 and later work from point 3.
Applying the update
1. Install Adobe Acrobat Reader V7.0
2. Copy the Acrobat7.df2 file to the .\Zetafax Server\MAIL\Data\Def folder on your system (where 'Zetafax Server' is the name of the directory where the Zetafax files are installed).
3. Start the Zetafax Configuration Application
Select "Server Settings"
Open the "Email Gateway" settings
With Email Gateway enabled click the "Rendering." button
On the Applications tab on the resulting dialog box, select Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 from the application list and click the install button.
Click OK
4. Open Windows Explorer
From the Menu select Tools-> Folder Options
Select the File Types on the resulting dialog box
Select the "PDF" file extension from the list and click the "Advanced" button
On the resulting dialog box select the "Fax Convert" option from the "Actions" list and click the "Edit" button
In the text field "Application used to perform action" ensure that the path to the Acrobat Reader is correct. You will need to check the install location of your Acrobat Reader to do this. A typical example is that the action path will be
["C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe" /T "%1" "Mail Rendering Subsystem" "" ""]
and should be changed to
["C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" /T "%1" "Mail Rendering Subsystem" "" ""]
DO NOT EDIT the command arguments /T "%1" "Mail Rendering Subsystem" "" ""
Click OK
NOTE: To guarantee good quality character printing for (e.g. foreign characters like Japanese) with the Mail Rendering subsystem you must complete point 5.
5. Open Printers and Faxes
Right click the Mail Rendering Subsystem and select "Printing Preferences."
Click the "Advanced" Button
Under Graphics, select the Resolution and set to True 200x200 DPI
Click OK
NOTE: If you plan to render PDF files with foreign characters like Japanese, you will need to make sure that the version of adobe acrobat supports that language. To check this, simply open the document on the Zetafax server. If it opens the document without and error, it is supported.
For more information on Rendering, please refer to the following technote:
ZTN1301 - HOWTO: Troubleshoot Rendering issues
Last updated: 12/04/06 (LD/EB)
First published: 29/07/05 (BM/SV/EB)
Keywords: Outlook Extensions Japanese Character PDF Attachments