PRB: Manually configuring channels on the Brooktrout Trufax, TR114 and TR1034 cards
ID: ZTN1475
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Version 9.1 and later
- Note: Zetafax 2009 and later do not support TR114
Beginning with version 9.1 of the Zetafax server, the configuration process for some Brooktrout fax cards has changed.
With its new SDK for Brooktrout, the Zetafax Configuration wizard has gone from a per port setup to a per card setup. While this is very convenient for most situations there are a few exceptions. This technical document will discuss:
- Configuring a port for outgoing only
- Configuring a port for incoming only
- Specifying a specific user to receive faxes on a specific port
The basic configuration for these three options is the same for all three cards. The only difference is the naming convention for the BT sub sections.
Example 1 Manually configuring specific ports for incoming only:
When you set channels to be used for incoming only in the Zetafax Configuration GUI interface for the Brooktrout device, it sets the receive-only channel(s) from the first port by default.
This example is designed to show how to begin from different port for incoming faxes. In our example we will use a two channel card; showing how to configure the second port for incoming faxes only, while the first port will be send only.
This is a necessary action when you have a card such as a TR1034 DID Combo card, where the first two ports are outbound only and the second two ports are designed to be the inbound DID lines.
If you do not have a DID Combo card, and do not wish to set the first port to outbound only, simply omit creating the sub paragraphs and move to the latter half of this example.
- Open the zfax\system\z-db\setup.ini file (where ‘zfax’ is the name of the directory where the Zetafax Server files are installed).
- At the bottom you will find the Device Paragraph for the Brooktrout device, for TR1034 and Trufax 200-R boards it will be labelled: [BTB-G1]
- At the bottom of the [BTB-G1 Paragraph create a new paragraph(s) – notating in the paragraph heading the channels. In the following example we will show an example of a two channel board where the first channel will be outgoing only and the second channel will be incoming only:
Recduser: < userid you want to receive the fax>
Then, to the main [BTB-G1] section add the following:
ChannelsReservedFrom: 1
The reason we are changing it to “1” rather than “2” is because this refers to the starting Port. And the port numbers start at zero. So, the first channel is Port 0, and the second channel is Port 1.
This leaves the setup.ini section looking like this:
Description: Brooktrout TR1034 Analog
Type: TR1034 Analog
ConnectTries: 1
DetectBusy: YES
DetectDial: YES
DialPrefix: 9,
DialType: TONE
MinSendRetryPages: 5
PhoneNum: 770 442 5789
Port: FAX0
RecdUser: ADMIN
ReceiveOnly: NO
ReceiveSpeed: 0
RestartInitialPages: 1
RestartSplitPages: 3
SendMsgTries: 2
TransmitSpeed: 0
ChannelsUsed: 2
ChannelsReserved: 1
DTMFEndChar: %
ChannelReservedFrom: 1
Recduser: < userid you want to receive the fax>
Once the changes have been made, save your setup.ini file, and restart the Zetafax Server. The card is now configured with port one outgoing only and port two as incoming only.
Example 2 Making a channel outgoing only:
This case would be different from the above in that you would not be setting any channels to receive only.
To make channel 1 outgoing only, a sub paragraph needs to be added to the setup.ini file. To do this simply create a [BTB-G1-1] sub paragraph to the [BTB-G1] section (It will be named BTA-G1 in legacy Trufax Cards) and add the command Recduser:. When you wish the line to be outbound only, the command should be left blank.
For Example:
Once the changes have been made, save your setup.ini file, and restart the Zetafax Server. This causes the first channel to be send only.
Example 3 Assigning different users to different channels:
To assign different users to different channels, a sub paragraph needs to be added to the setup.ini file. To do this create a [BTB-G1-x] (where x is the channel number) sub paragraph to the [BTB-G1] section (it will be labelled BTA-G1] for the legacy Trufax200 card) for each port. Then, use the Recduser: command, specifying a different user for each channel. For example:
Recduser: User1
Recduser: User2
And so on until all ports have their own sub paragraph.
You need only create sub paragraphs for the channels you wish to assign different users than the default user to receive listed in the main [BTB-G1] paragraph above.
Once the changes have been made, save your setup.ini file, and restart the Zetafax Server. This means that User 1 is now assigned to channel 1, and User 2 is now assigned to channel 2.
Two other features that can be specified in these sub paragraphs are:
These two setting will specify the organisation name and phone number that will be printed on the header line of the sent fax for that particular port.
Last updated: 15/03/2010 (SK/MW)
First Published: 23/06/2005 (WC/SV/EB)