FIX: When printing a batch with documents, the order of printing is not correct
ID: ZTN3611
This Zetadocs technical note applies to:
- Zetadocs PDF client v9 and earlier
When a batch contains documents with the same name, documents are named with numerical postfixes in the Windows standard (for instance, Statement, Statement(1), Statement(2) etc.). If these numerical postfixes go above 9, Zetadocs PDF may load the documents within the batch in an unexpected order:

When printing this batch, this ordering is maintained, so the documents are printed out of sequence. Reordering the documents using the sorting columns in Zetadocs PDF does not have any effect on the print order.
This was caused by the ordering logic in Zetadocs PDF not catering for documents that have duplicate names.
This fault was corrected in a hotfix, which is available by contacting Equisys Technical Support and quoting the technote number ZTN3611.
This behaviour was corrected in the hotfix detailed above.
Last updated: 14th August 2015 (JC/NT)
Keywords: alphabetical order, numerical order