Technical Notes, Zetafax

FIX: Coversheets fail to display extended characters in the subject line when using SMTP.


ID: ZTN1391

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax SMTP gateway version 2007
  • Zetafax Server version 2007


When sending faxes via the Zetafax SMTP gateway, recipients may report that some characters are removed or replaced with invalid characters in the subject line of the coversheet.


This is due to the Zetafax server being unable to correctly interpret the Unicode characters in the subject line passed by the mail system.


This issue is resolved by applying the following patch:


ZTN1116-HOWTO Enable international language support with Zetafax

Last updated: 20 February 2008 (GC/DH)

First Published: 4 August 2004 (SV/DH)

Keywords: Extended SMTP