Technical Notes, Zetafax

FIX: Fax Wizard does not appear after printing to the Zetafax printer in Terminal Services on Windows 2008 Server


ID: ZTN1821

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 2009
  • Zetafax 2010


When printing to the Zetafax printer and logged onto a terminal services session in a Windows 2008 environment, the fax addressing wizard does not appear. This occurs when the Zetafax Client is open during printing. The printed message simply does not appear in the client.


The path to the temporary folder set in the Zetafax Printer is not correctly detected on the first print so the print job goes to the wrong destination. This means that Zetafax Client does not detect that a print job has occurred. The file path should be pointing to '%temp%'


A hotfix is available from Equisys technical support.


This issue was corrected in Zetafax 2011.

Last updated: 19 May 2011 (NT/MW)

Keywords: Client addressing dialog not visible terminal services