FIX: FaxBroadcast performance improvements with large batch sizes
ID: ZTN1769
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- FaxBroadcast Client in Zetafax v2009 Platform Feature Pack and earlier.
The FaxBroadcast Client takes a long time to submit a large fax job and to load the full list of recipients for an existing fax job.
The problems outlined above were caused by internal inefficiencies.
A new version of the FaxBroadcast Client is available as a hotfix. By allowing more recipients per Zetafax message, this version drastically reduces the time taken to submit a large fax job and improves the time taken to load in the full list of fax recipients for an existing job. To apply the hotfix, please do the following:
- Contact Technical Support to obtain a copy of the hotfix. Then...
- Browse to your Zetafax Client Applications install folder (typically c:\program files\Zetafax) and take a copy of the entire “FaxBroadcast” folder as a backup.
- Unpack the hotfix to a temporary folder.
- Copy the ZFAPI32.DLL from the unpacked API folder into the < program files> /< common files> /Equisys/ folder.
- Run regsvr32.exe on the dll to register it as a COM dll.
- Copy the entire contents of the unpacked FaxBroadcast folder into your < program files> /Zetafax/FaxBroadcast folder.
Users should note that the time taken for FaxBroadcast to load existing fax jobs, i.e. fax jobs created using the older Faxbroadcast Client will remain the same. Performance gains will only be seen when dealing with fax jobs created using the new FaxBroadcast Client.
Furthermore, users should note a change in functionality. Fax job recipients are now not loaded automatically. To view the recipients, please right-click on a fax job and select ‘Load Recipients’ from the pop-up context menu. This presents a more responsive client on start-up and increased user control.
This behaviour was corrected in a hotfix release.
Last updated: 1st December 2009 (GR/MW)
Keywords: Zetafax Client, FaxBroadcast, performance