Technical Notes, Zetafax

FIX: Iterating through the MessageHistories collection in Zetafax COM API causes a crash of the calling application or an incorrect date to be returned


ID: ZTN1986

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 2014
  • Zetafax 2012


When calling the Zetafax COM API and iterating through a MessageHistories object (for instance, in a for loop where MessageHistory objects are instantiated within the loop), getting the Date in the MessageHistory object will either crash the calling application or return an incorrect date (typically the minimum date for the system). The way the issue manifests will be different depending on the language/compiler used to build the calling application.


This is due to an issue in the Zetafax COM API that caused MessageHistory objects to be instantiated incorrectly when being initialised through a MessageHistories object collection.


A hotfix is available from Equisys Technical Support.


This behaviour was corrected in the above mentioned hotfix.

Last updated: 4th December 2013 (NT/MW)

Keywords: COM API MessageHistories iterating incorrect date crash