Technical Notes, Zetadocs

FIX: Non Zetadocs licensed users unable to print NAV reports


ID: ZTN4153

This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Version 4.x and later of Zetadocs for NAV


When using Microsoft Dynamics NAV a user who has not been enabled to use Zetadocs,ie. workstations where Zetadocs software is not installed, gets the error message “Your Zetadocs for NAV licence does not allow this action” when printing reports.


This problem is due to an issue which arrises when Zetadocs for NAV is checking to ensure that the Zetadocs software has been licensed properly. A warning is displayed on non Zetadocs licensed systems which interrupts the print attempt.


A hotfix which changes the behaviour of Zetadocs is available, once this hotfix is installed Zetadocs will check for a valid license and Zetadocs installation. If Zetadocs is available it will be used to process the report, if not, the report will be printed as usual.


This fault was corrected in a hotfix, which is available by contacting Equisys Technical Support and quoting the technote number ZTN4153.

Last updated: 23rd October 2013 (JN/MW)