Technical Notes, Zetafax

FIX: Sending an email through Exchange Online without Subject causes an error in the Zetafax Server


ID: ZTN1996

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 2014


When sending an email without Subject through Exchange Online the following error can be seen in the Zetafax Server activity log:

    Corrupted message, or fax recipient not valid. Message moved to Exchange badmail.

And it will repeat itself until the message is removed from the Zetafax inbox in Exchange Online.


This is caused by a problem in the Zetafax Server related to the way the Subject of an email in Exchange Online is interpreted.


This fault was corrected in a hotfix, which is available by contacting Equisys Technical Support and quoting the technote number ZTN1996.


This behaviour was corrected in the hotfix detailed above.

Last updated: 31 January 2014 (WK) 

Keywords: Email, Exchange, Online, Blank, Subject