Technical Notes, Zetadocs

FIX: Unable authenticate to SharePoint Online when running the SharePoint Extensions Script on Windows Server machines


This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Zetadocs Sharepoint Extensions (Version 1.0.23065)


When running the SharePoint Extensions Powershell script as an administrator on a Windows Server machine, following entering the SharePoint site URL a blank SharePoint authentication prompt pops up. 

This happens each time the script is run despite the administrator running it or the location it's run from. 


The cause of this is that the server has "IE Enhanced Security Configuration" set to 'On' blocking the authentication prompt from correctly displaying and preventing the authentication to SharePoint from being granted.


The solution is to either permanently or temporarily disable this setting in order to allow for the SharePoint extension script to add the relevant content types and columns to the specified SharePoint site. 

This can be done by opening the Server manager and selecting 'Local Server' on the left-hand side pane, then adjusting the "IE Enhanced Security Configuration" setting to 'Off'. Once this is done re-run the script and it will allow for the prompt to correctly display. 

Should the issue persist beyond this, please contact to assist further.  


Last updated: 22nd May 2023 (MT) 

Keywords: Zetadocs SharePoint Extension