Technical Notes, Zetadocs

FIX: Zetadocs fails to search documents due to transient network issues


This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Zetadocs for NAV 8.0


Zetadocs fails to search the related documents intermittently, and the application logging recorded an error “The collection has not been initialized. It has not been requested or the request has not been executed.”


Zetadocs does not recover from a web exception when communicating with the storage service.


Hotfix -This fault was corrected in a hotfix, which is available by contacting Equisys Technical Support and quoting the technote number ZTN4503.

This hotfix allows Zetadocs to perform a retry logic.

Two registry keys, SharepointRetryWaitTime and SharepointRetries, control the retry logic. Both of these variables can be set using registry keys at the following registry location “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Equisys\Zetadocs” in the following manner:

Where the value for SharepointRetryWaitTime is the time Zetadocs waits in between attempts (given in seconds), and the value for SharepointRetries is the number of times Zetadocs will attempt the communication before canceling the operation.


This behaviour was corrected in the ZTN4503 detailed above.

Last updated: 30th November 2017 (CR/JC) 

Keywords: Search, Factbox, Intermittent, Transient, Archive, Network, VPN, Retry

Registry Editor warning

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