Technical Notes, Zetafax

FIX: Zetafax Release notes - Version


ID: ZTN1245

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax


This document details issues in previous versions of Zetafax that have been addressed in this release of Zetafax.

Issues fixed in this release

Zetafax Server

  1. Printing word documents which contain more than one page of legal size paper prints subsequent pages on A4.
  2. Reinstalling Zetafax removes DEVSMS from SETUP.INI

Zetafax Exchange 2000 Connector

  1. Offline address book cannot be generated when connector installed.

Zetafax e-mail gateway

  1. Rendering of Power Point files returns with error 63243.

Zetafax Configuration

  1. Deleting multiple users hangs the Zetafax MMC snap-in if one of the users is logged on.

Zetafax Client

  1. Print dialogs are now shown in the correct language.
  2. Foreign language translations tidied up and many minor issues resolved.
  3. Non-western character sets are not displayed properly when printing transmission reports.
  4. Help reviewed and many minor issues resolved.
  5. File names with extended characters cannot be opened by the Viewer.
  6. Annotations are lost when using the Send Mail command.
  7. Tooltips no longer available on client when buttons with no text selected.
  8. Several issues related to importing text files into the address book have been resolved.
  9. When deleting a letterhead the client fails to delete the G3F or TIF files.
  10. Work has been done to improve high-volume embedded addressing on NT operating systems

Terminal Services

  1. Terminal Session with published application hangs when a user tries to log out.

Issues rolled up in this release


The problems mentioned above have been corrected with build of Zetafax, which is available on request from your reseller, distributor or the Equisys technical support team.


For details of new features in this release please refer to the Equisys website.

Last updated: 12 March 2003 (AG/SV)