FIX: Zetafax Release notes - Version 9 Service Pack 1
ID: ZTN1392
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax 9.0.300 (Zetafax Version 9 Service Pack 1)
This document details issues in previous versions of Zetafax that have been addressed in this release of Zetafax.
Issues fixed in this release
Zetafax Server
- When using the rendering add on, the EPSTIFF module was not recognising files as being in PDF format and so was not passing the files to the DOCTIFF rendering add-on module. EPSTIFF would try and convert the files itself as if they were Epson printer format files resulting in an error. The issue was covered in the technical note ZTN1224 PDF Rendering fails with Invalid character in Epson file.
- Any address book (ADDMAN) searches that returned over 3000 records failed.
- The default settings for the Fax Modem controller (DEVFC) have been modified to reduce problems with configuring fax modems with the Zetafax Server.
Zetafax Email Gateway
- Auto-enrolment with the SMTP Gateway was creating duplicate usernames in the Maillist.ini file, which was causing faxes to be rejected.
Zetafax Outlook Extensions
- The received file format setting for the email gateway was being applied to internal messages such as preview and status messages causing problems with the Zetafax Outlook Extensions. This setting now only applies to faxes received from external sources.
- The Outlook form for 'fax approval' would freeze if the user pressed the tab or down arrow keys.
Zetafax Client
- The Version 9 client had a number of issues with viewing faxes received by the user's Zetafax Group. These included the client freezing, the Inbox window not updating properly and the client crashing when marking received faxes as 'read' or 'unread'.
- Members of Domain Users Group were unable to print to the Zetafax Printer unless permissions on the printer were modified, or the users were made members of the Power Users Group. The issue was covered in the technical note PRB: "This document failed to print" or "There was an error found when printing the document" error when printing to the Zetafax printer.
- The Zetafax Client would crash on Windows 98 systems. The issue was covered in the technote FIX: Zetafax client uses excessive system resources sometimes resulting in "Invalid bit order in TIFF" error.
- The Version 9 client install did not properly configure all the required settings on NT4 Terminal Services systems, requiring users to do a number of manual steps to get the 'Zetafax FaxMerge Printer' fully operational. The issue was covered in the technical note ZTN1343 Printing to Zetafax Faxmerge printer on NT4 Terminal server fails.
Updates included in this release
This update introduces two new features: -
- Support for Brooktrout TRxStream boards.
- Fax Approval functionality for the Zetafax Outlook Extensions.
- The SMS device controller (DEVSMS) can be configured to use 'Text Mode' for sending and receiving text messages.
The problems mentioned above have been corrected with Zetafax version 9 Service Pack 1. This is a free upgrade to customers with a version 9 license and a purchasable upgrade for users with a previous installation of Zetafax.
Please contact Equisys Technical Support if you have any questions about installing or using this update.
Zetafax is distributed in many other countries please refer to the Equisys website for details of your local supplier.
Phone: 020 7203 4000 (Intl +44 20 7203 4000)
Fax: 020 7203 4005 (Intl +44 20 7203 4005)
EQUISYS Inc - USA and Canada
Phone: (770) 772 7201
Fax: (770) 442 5789
ZTN1224 PDF Rendering fails with Invalid character in Epson file.
ZTN1343 Printing to Zetafax Faxmerge printer on NT4 Terminal server fails.
Last updated: 17th August 2004 (GES/SV)