Technical Notes, Zetafax

HOWTO: Configure Zetafax to automatically print faxes that have failed to send.


ID: ZTN1221

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax server Version and later
  • Zetafax update for automatically printing failed faxes.


This technical note is provided for users who wish to configure Zetafax to automatically print a submitted fax which has failed to be sent successfully after Zetafax has retried according to the server configuration.

To install the update download it from the following URL, then extract it to an empty temporary folder on the Zetafax server system. Refer to the extracted readme.txt for further installation instructions then follow the steps as detailed in the more Information section.


More information

  1. Log on to the Zetafax server system and run the Zetafax Configuration from the programs menu (Start|Programs|Zetafax). As below.

  1. In the left window, click on Server settings. Then Double click on Automatic printing of sent faxes.
  2. You will be presented with the following (see below) dialog box. Note the option to 'Print failed fax message' if this option doesn't appear then you need to verify if the update has been applied correctly.

  1. Click on the 'Select' button and specify the printer that Zetafax will use to print faxes.
  2. Click the 'Print failed fax message' option so that it is checked, (as above) then click 'OK'.
  3. Exit from Zetafax configuration, and then restart the Zetafax server service or application so that the changes may take effect.

Last Updated: 03 September 2008 (MW)

First Published: 29 August 2002 (SV/GC)

Keywords: printer settings, automatic printing