HOWTO: Configure Zetafax to support Brooktrout TruFax intelligent fax boards
ID: ZTN1130
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax version or later
- Updated Brooktrout driver version
Brooktrout have updated their fax board range with the introduction of TruFax intelligent fax boards, these boards are not supported under version of Zetafax. However Equisys have introduced support for TruFax boards with DEVBT.EXE version to send and receive faxes.
More information
To enable Zetafax to use a TruFax board you must download the updated driver ZFBT_700238.EXE from Once you have downloaded the files please step through the following instructions:
- Install and configure a copy of Zetafax version 7.00 or later, 32-bit version, if not already installed, running on an Intel machine.
- Stop the Zetafax server if already running. If you have previously installed the Brooktrout drivers then stop the " bfax" device using Devices applet in Control Panel.
- Unzip ZFBT_700238.EXE into a temporary directory.
- Browse to the zfax\SERVER folder and rename the current FAXINIT.EXE,BFAXINIT.EXE, and DEVBT.EXE file to something else e.g. FAXINIT.OLD,BFAXINIT.OLD, and DEVBT.OLD.
- Copy the extracted files FAXINIT.EXE,BFAXINIT.EXE, and DEVBT.EXE into the directory zfax\SERVER.
- Browse to the folder named bfax the windows directory e.g. C:\WINNT\ rename the BFAX.SYS file to something else.
- Copy the downloaded BFAX.SYS file into the bfax folder in the windows directory.
- Start the " bfax" NT device using Devices applet.
- Start the Zetafax server.
ZTN1133-FIX Inbound DID routing does not work when using a Brooktrout TR114 analog fax board
Last updated 24 April 2001 (SV/DH)