Technical Notes, Zetafax

HOWTO: Move the Zetafax Users folder to another location.


ID: ZTN1489

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 9.1 and above


This technical document will explain how to successfully move the Zetafax USERS folder, which is located in zfax\USERS, where zfax is the root folder of the Zetafax Server installation, to another hard drive, or share on the network.

This may become necessary due to lack of physical space on the current hard drive.

More information

In Zetafax version 9.1, the Zetafax Share Wizard does not support moving the Zetafax folders. To move the folder, the ZETAFAX.INI on the Zetafax Server needs to be altered to point to a new share, and then the Zetafax Clients need to be configured to look to this location.

To move this USERS folder, the following must be done on the Zetafax Server

  1. Create a new shared folder to move the USERS folder to, this share must have Full Control rights for the Everyone group.
  2. Stop the Zetafax Server
  3. Copy the USERS folder to the new share folder, but do not remove the USERS folder from its current location at this stage.
  4. On the Zetafax Server, use Notepad to open the ZETAFAX.INI which is located in the Zetafax servers root folder.
  5. The in the ZETAFAX.INI look for the line called AllUserArea, this should look similar to the below example.

AllUserArea: C:\Program Files\Zetafax Server\USERS

  1. Change this path to the new share, in the below example, the new server is called TESTSERVER and the share name is FileShare

AllUserArea: \\TESTSERVER\FileShare\USERS

  1. Save and close the ZETAFAX.INI file.
  2. Use Notepad to open the ZFCLIENT.INI file which located in zfax\System, where zfax is the root installation folder of the Zetafax Server.
  3. The in the ZFCLIENT.INI look for the line called UserArea, this should look similar to the below example.


  1. Change this path to the new share, in the below example, the new server is called TESTSERVER and the share name is FileShare

AllUserArea: \\TESTSERVER\FileShare\USERS\%NAME%

  1. Save and close the ZFCLIENT.INI file.
  2. Start the Zetafax Server

To configure the Zetafax Clients to see the new location, the following must be done.

  1. Open the Zetafax Client, if the user is not prompted for log in details, then from the Options menu, select Customise, and tick the Prompt for User name at startup, then closed and re-opened the Zetafax Client
  2. At the Username prompt, click the browse button, next to the Zetafax Server name
  3. Tick the Use separate folders, changed the path to the Users folder by browsing the network, and pointing to the new share.
  4. Click OK to access this  screen,
  5. At the log on prompt tick Don't ask me again, then click OK to log on
  6. Close the Zetafax Client
  7. Return to the Zetafax Server and stop the server
  8. Remove the old USERS folder.
  9. Start the Zetafax Server, and check for any errors, if an error occurs that the USERS folders can not be found, check to ensure that the path has been entered correctly in the ZETAFAX.INI and that permissions on the share are correct.
  10. Open the configured Zetafax Client, and check to see if the users inbox and outbox details can be viewed.

If the Don't ask me again option in step 12, is un-ticked in the future, then the next time the Zetafax Client tries to connect the paths must be charged again, or the following errors will be produced.

  • Cannot read from file: < PATH> \USER.IN
  • User < UserName> is already logged on - or cannot access < PATH> ZETAFAX.LOK

These errors can also be produced, when the paths entered in step 10 are incorrect, or if the USERS folder is removed from the server before the Zetafax Client can be configured to look in the correct location.

Last updated: 3 August 2005 (MS/EB/SV)