Technical Notes, Zetafax

HOWTO: Pre-rendering documents for use with the API


ID: ZTN1232

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 5.5 and later
  • Note that the FaxMerge Printer is not shipped from Zetafax 9 onwards


Both the Zetafax Client and the e-mail gateway allow you to send files from third-party applications without having to convert them first.

However, you may find that with some fax solution users need to submit a file to the Zetafax Server directly. In this case, the file will need to be " pre-rendered" ; ie, manually converted into one of the Zetafax Server's native formats. In particular, this is necessary when sending files using Z-submit and the C-language or COM API. This technote describes a simple method to do this without purchasing further software.

More information

To pre-render a file on any version of Windows, follow these instructions:

If the Zetafax client is installed on the workstation:

  1. Print the document to the Zetafax FaxMerge Printer.
  2. Search for a file called Zetafax.spl.
  3. Submit Zetafax.spl as the attachment instead of the original document.

If the Zetafax client is not installed you do not want to install it on the workstation:

  1. On the client machine, install an Epson LQ-1000 printer from your Windows CD.
  2. Use the Print to file option of the original application or your program to print to the Epson printer and direct the output to a file. This file should have the extension EPN.
  3. Submit the EPN file as the attachment instead of the original document.


For additional information on Zetafax API, please see the following Zetafax technical notes:

ZTN1066-HOWTO Using the Zetafax API functions

ZTN1068-HOWTO Using the Zetafax API from Visual Basic

Keyword: Pre-render Documents API

Last verified: 14 November 2005 (CT/EB)

Last updated: 05 August 2004 (ET/SV)