Technical Notes, Zetadocs

HOWTO: Restrict the Zetadocs Archive service account from deleting files


ID: ZTN4344

This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Zetadocs Archive Service


This technical note provides information on how to configure Zetadocs Archive to restrict it from deleting files.

More information

The archive requires a network folder into which captured documents are placed and to which users require access permissions. As any other user the Zetadocs Archive Service must have access to the folder, by default it runs as Local System. Assuming that Zetadocs Archive Service is installed correctly, the Local System user should have Full permissions to that folder. In order to disable deletion it is needed to explicit deny on delete files and folders. Please note that all users using the Zetadocs Document Factbox will not be able to delete files from there.

Please follow those manual steps to restrict Zetadocs Archive from deleting files:

  1. Locate your Zetadocs Archive shared folder or the subfolder to protect.
  2. View its Properties and select the Security tab, followed by advance button.
  3. In the permissions tab, click on Add.
  4. In the Permissions Entry form:
    1. Principal: System
    2. Type: Deny
    3. Applies to: This folder, subfolders and files
    4. Press on clear all button and select Show advanced permissions.
    5. Select both Delete subfolders and files and Delete in the check box.
    6. Press Ok.

  5. Check that the Deny rule has been applied to the Local System user.
  6. Save the chages. Notice that a waring could be displayed read it and accept it.
  7. Press Ok in the properties window.
  8. Test the Zetadocs Archive service.


Please review Microsoft notes for further information:

Last updated: 29th May 2014 (JV/BM) 

Keywords: Zetadocs Archive deny file delete