Technical Notes, Zetafax

HOWTO: Send faxes using Zetafax client from Pegasus Opera 2 v.6


ID: ZTN1758

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 2009
  • Pegasus Opera 2 version 6


Assuming that the Zetafax server and Zetafax client are installed and configured, faxes can be delivered from Opera 2 version 6 with pre-populated addressing details. The examples in this technical note show expressions that can be added in a report. The following reports can be modified:

Invoice, Credit, Order acknowledgement, Pro forma, Delivery note, Quote, Purchase order, Statement remittance.

The expressions effectively need to translate to Zetafax embedded commands, information of which is found in ZTN1011.

When correctly set up, adding Zetafax embedded commands to a document will mean that when printed using the Zetafax Printer driver, the commands are used by the Zetafax client program in place of the addressing dialog boxes.  Provided adequate details are given in these commands, no dialog boxes will be displayed and the fax or faxes will be submitted to the fax server automatically.

This article has been verified by Profile who are accredited by Equisys to deploy Zetafax.

More information

*The following examples show expressions which can be added in the Page Header and Page Footer for Invoice/Credit/Order/Pro forma/Delivery Note/Quote reports; the screenshot below demonstrates this:

Page Header:
p_oCallingObject.SetReportTable()+iif(_pageno = 1," %%" +" [To:" +alltrim(sname.sn_faxno)+" ," +alltrim(sname.sn_contact)+" ," +alltrim(sname.sn_name)+" ]" ,'')

Page Footer:
IIF(SQG_lastrec_L('sname-> sn_account')," %%" +" [SEND]" ," " )

*The following examples show expressions which can be added in the Page Header and Summary for a Statement report - screenshot below:

Page Header:
iif(_pageno = 1," %%" +" [To:" +alltrim(sname.sn_faxno)+" ]" ," " )
iif(_pageno = 1," %%" +" [Name:" +alltrim(sname.sn_name)+" ]" ," " )

" %%" +" [SEND]"


After the reports have been modified, to send them as faxes you simply print to the Zetafax printer. This should then automatically send the fax or faxes (via Zetafax client) to the Zetafax server.

* Note: the examples of expressions used in this technote may not work with all systems. They should be sufficient in showing Opera users what would be needed – an Opera consultant should amend these as needed.


For additional information on automating faxing with Zetafax embedded commands, please see the following Zetafax technical note:

ZTN1011-HOWTO: Using Embedded addressing.

Last updated: 28th September 2009 (AC/MW)