Technical Notes, Zetadocs

HOWTO Setup Roles and Permissions in NAV 2013 and NAV 2015 with Zetadocs Express


ID: ZTN4203

This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Version 5.3 to 7.0 of Zetadocs Express


This technote will guide you through the setup of roles and permissions in NAV 2013 and NAV 2015 to enable Zetadocs Express to work effectively.

More Information

To enable a NAV systems user’s access to the features of Zetadocs Express they need to have their roles and permissions setup accordingly within NAV. There are two methods of setting up the roles and permissions for NAV 2013 and NAV 2015, you can either import the Zetadocs Express Permission Sets and Permissions - NAV7.xx-NAV8.00.RAPIDSTART file or make the changes manually in NAV.

Importing the RAPIDSTART file

The ZETADOCSEXPRESS role grants access to the standard Zetadocs Express tables and allows users to use Zetadocs Express.

  1. Download the Zetadocs Express Permission Sets and Permissions - NAV7.xx-NAV8.00.RAPIDSTART file.
  2. Open the NAV Windows Client (RTC).
  3. In the search bar, search for Configuration Packages and open the Configuration Packages page.
  4. Select Import Package… from the Process group on the Home tab and select the Zetadocs Express Permission Sets and Permissions - NAV7.xx-NAV8.00.RAPIDSTART file.
  5. In the Process group, click on Apply Package to complete import of the settings.
  6. Setup the required users as per the steps in section 3.7 of the Zetadocs Express Installation Guide.

Manually Configuring Permission Sets

The ZETADOCSEXPRESS role grants access to the standard Zetadocs Express tables and allows users to use Zetadocs Express.

  1. In the NAV Windows client, in the search bar, type Permission Sets. Click on the link that appears.
  2. You will be taken to the Permission Sets list view. On the Home tab, click New.
  3. You will be taken to the New – Permission Sets page, ready to add the new permission set.
    • Type in the Permission Set column
    • Type in Zetadocs Express in the Name column
  4. Now with ZETADOCSEXPRESS selected, go to the Process group, on the Home tab and click Permissions.
  5. Add the following entries into the Edit – Permissions – ZETADOCSEXPRESS page:
    • Object Type: Table Data, Object ID: 9041209
    • Object Type: Table Data, Object ID: 9041210
    • Object Type: Table Data, Object ID: 9041211
    • Object Type: Table Data, Object ID: 9041212
    • Object Type: Table Data, Object ID: 9041213
    • Object Type: Table Data, Object ID: 9041214
  6. For each entry you have added, set all available permissions to Yes (Read, Insert, Modify, Delete).
  7. Press OK, then press OK again in the New - Permission Sets window.
  8. This completes the setup of a Zetadocs Express user permission set.


The latest Zetadocs Express Installation Guides are available here

Last updated: 29th October  2014 (NT/MW/WK)