HOWTO: Troubleshoot Zetadocs server side delivery issues
This Zetadocs technical note applies to:
- Zetadocs server side delivery
- Zetadocs for NAV 11.x
This technote will guide you through some of the steps to try when you are unable to use the Zetadocs server side delivery functionality. This will guide you through the 2 different ways of using the server send functionality for emails and hard copy.
If the troubleshooting steps do not resolve your issue, the latter part of this guide provides details on gathering the log files which may provide crucial information for yourself or for if you need to escalate the case to Equisys support.
More information
Steps to troubleshoot sending emails
The following steps will help you troubleshoot issues where you are unable to send emails via Zetadocs using server side delivery.
- The first place to check when seeing if an email has been sent sucessfully, is the Zetadocs Delivery Outbox. This works in a similar way to the Outlook outbox in that an item will only stay in here if it has not been sent. Once it's been sent successfully, the Zetadocs Delivery Outbox will be clear. If there's any error then the Zetadocs Delivery Outbox will display messages against any failed entries:
- If there is a failed message, you can view (button top left, under home) this entry and this will open up the Zetadocs Delivery Outbox Details page which will look like this:
- This will provide more information on the delivery attempt. Also it will give a more detailed error message, in the column labeled 'Error Description'. Expanding this column may give you some indication as to why the delivery attempt failed. It will look something like this:
- This is still quite a generic error message, however it has indicated that settings should be checked.
- Open the Zetadocs Delivery settings and confirm that the settings are correct. To do this, in the NAV/BC search, please search for Zetadocs Delivery Settings. It should look like this:
- While here, if using SMTP delivery, it's best to confirm that the SMTP details are correct, such as the server name and the SMTP port. Also make sure that the User ID and the password are correct.
- On top of this, the SMTP port that you use will need to correspond to whether 'Secure Connection' is ticked or not. If you are using the secure connection without a secure port i.e. port 25 - delivery will fail.
Steps to troubleshoot hard copy delivery
These are the instructions on how to test printing server side without Zetadocs. This is useful for confirming if there's other factors getting involved while trying to resolve a hard copy zetadocs delivery issue on Server side, such as access to the Printer, UI blocking the process or an issue with the output of the report.. The NAV server service is what is required to have access to the printer
- Go to the Job Queue Entries list and create a new entry.
- Set the Object Type to Run to Report.
- Set the Object ID to the report id you wish to run
- Set the Job Category Code to and available Category.
- Tick the Report Request Page Options and set the appropriate filter.
- Set the Report Output Type to Print
- Select the Printer Name and click OK (If you can't select the printer then the server service doesn't have access to the printer, the printer needs to be able to see the printer installed on the server and it's installed locally on the server and available for all users )
Further assistance
If you are still facing issues, please follow the logging technote: ZTN4457 where you may be able to see more detailed error information to assist in troubleshooting. If you are unable to diagnose the problem, please get in touch with or (NA). If you are a UK customer you can also raise a case using our web form here. Please look to include the log files mentioned above and an engineer will work with you to help you resolve your issue.
Last updated: 19th July 2022 (BB/NT)
Keywords: Zetadocs Delivery, Zetadocs Server side Delivery