Technical Notes, Zetadocs

HOWTO: Upgrade to the latest version of Zetadocs for NAV


This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Version 5.0 or later of Zetadocs for NAV


This technote explains how to perform an upgrade to the latest version of Zetadocs for NAV.

More information

Upgrading your Zetadocs for NAV system has seven main stages, shown below, which will update your system to the Zetadocs for NAV v10 specification. The following process should enable you to upgrade from a Zetadocs for NAV v5.0 to v9.1 system to Zetadocs for NAV 10, for details on installing from earlier versions please contact Equisys technical support at

The following items should be updated:

1.     Zetadocs NAV Client

2.     Zetadocs for NAV Objects (optional for versions 7.0 and later)

3.     Zetadocs for NAV Server Extensions

4.     Zetadocs for NAV for Language Module

5.     Checking the Zetadocs Configuration

6.     Zetadocs Archive Upgrade

7.     Zetadocs Server Upgrade

Step 1: Zetadocs for NAV Client

The Zetadocs for NAV Client is installed in 3 separate parts:

  • Zetadocs PDF
  • Zetadocs API Runtime
  • Zetadocs NAV Client

To upgrade to version 10 simply:

1.     Extract your product download, the Zetadocs setup program will autorun, choose relevant install option:

·         Zetadocs Delivery

·         Zetadocs Capture

·         Zetadocs Delivery and Capture

2.     Select Zetadocs NAV Client option to begin the install, a message will appear indicating that an upgrade will take place.

3.     Follow the wizard to accept the software license agreement and complete the installation.

Step 2: Zetadocs for NAV Objects (optional for versions 7.0 and later)

Zetadocs for NAV supports FOB independent upgrades, meaning that new versions of Zetadocs for NAV will work with the previous version of the NAV objects.

Note that all the reports that were created for Zetadocs version v5.0 to v9.1 will work with Zetadocs version 10 without any modifications. Therefore, there is no need to export them during the upgrade process. If the Sample Reports were imported in NAV they will be replaced by blank reports when importing version 10 of the Zetadocs for NAV objects.

·         There are major changes in one of the integration codeunit, please make a backup of the following NAV Object before you continue with the installation:

o    Codeunit 9009963 Zetadocs-Send Integration

·         If you are upgrading from version 6.1 or earlier of Zetadocs for NAV you have to follow this additional step. There are major changes in some of the integration and customize codeunits, please make a backup of the following NAV Objects before you continue with the installation:

o    Codeunit 9009962 Zetadocs-Send Customize

o    Codeunit 9009963 Zetadocs-Send Integration

o    Codeunit 9009964 Zetadocs-Capture Customize

o    Codeunit 9009965 Zetadocs-Capture Integration

o    Codeunit 9041211 Zetadocs-Save & Send

·         You are now ready to import the Zetadocs for NAV 10 objects into your database. The instructions given here are for NAV 2013, for other versions you must pick the file that’s appropriate for the version of NAV you are using.

·         From NAV, import the Zetadocs for NAV Objects – NAV7.00.fob file. Note: If you are upgrading from version 6.1 or earlier, please follow manual steps described in technote ZTN4371 to upgrade the integration and customize codeunits.

Note: if you are using NAV 2013 R2 please follow additional steps in this technote ZTN4370, otherwise skip this note.

·         To upgrade your customised pages you can use the Zetadocs Page Modification Tool.

Step 3: Installing the Zetadocs for NAV Server Extensions (NAV 2013 R2 and later)

The Zetadocs NAV Server Extensions setup program installs the Zetadocs NAV Server Extensions required to support the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Client and SDK functionality.

1.     Locate the Zetadocs NAV Server Extensions folder of your product download and run the setup.exe file.

2.     Proceed through the wizard following the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.

3.     A File explorer window will open by the end of the installation, please right-click the file RunMeAsAdmin.bat and select the option Run as Administrator.

4.     A PowerShell script will prompt you to select the version of NAV you wish to install the Zetadocs Control Add-in into.

IMPORTANT: You must restart the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Service to complete the installation. If you encounter any problems using the Zetadocs Control Add-in install script, please refer to manual installation instructions in the Appendix section of the installation guide.

Note: If you are using a load balanced NAV Server the Zetadocs NAV Server extensions must be installed in all server machines.

If you are upgrading an existing installation (from version 6.1) you will need to follow these steps:

1.     Stop the Dynamics NAV service and close any NAV programs (e.g. RTC or Development environment)

2.     Go to the Add-ins folder in the NAV server and delete the Zetadocs folder from the Service folder

3.     Go to the Add-ins folder in the NAV RTC and delete the Zetadocs folder from the RTC folder.

4.     Run the installer located in the Zetadocs NAV Server Extension folder that is present in your Zetadocs Express installation folder.

5.     Start the Dynamics NAV service

Step 4: Zetadocs for NAV Language Module

If you are using a language other than English, you now need to update the language module to ensure that Zetadocs is properly displayed in your chosen language. Note: If you are using NAV 2013 R2or later you must carry out the additional steps in technote ZTN4301 before proceeding with the steps below.

1.     In the object designer select the All view. Then using a table filter Version = *EQ* get the list to show all the Zetadocs objects and select them.

2.     IMPORTANT: Ensure all the objects are selected (highlighted) before continuing. Otherwise the language module may not apply correctly.

3.     Navigate to Tools > Language module > Import.

4.     Browse to your product download then to Zetadocs NAV Server Components\Language Modules\.

5.     Import the relevant language module for your region and version of NAV e.g. for a Dutch NAV 2013 system this would be the Zetadocs for NAV Language Module - NAV7.xx-NAV11.00NL.

Step 5: Checking the Zetadocs Configuration

The inclusion of the Zetadocs Archive in a previous release means that archiving is no longer simply on or off as before, as such the Archiving enabled option has been replaced with a drop down menu to specify your archive settings. This defaults to Off so those with SharePoint archiving will need to adjust their archiving settings so the SharePoint archiving is selected. Those interested in using the Zetadocs Archive should consult the Installation guide for further information.

1.     Return to the Object Designer, select the Zetadocs General Settings Page (9041210), and click Run.

2.     Click the Edit button and select your Archiving method:

  • Off - Zetadocs will not attempt to archive items.
  • SharePoint
  • Zetadocs Archive

3.     If you are using SharePoint for your archive, input your SharePoint site or site collection address as required, this is the bold section shown here:

4.     Note: Please ensure that you have only included the site collection address and not the specific page reference which appears at the end.

o    Once you have added a site address click the test button at the end of the field to verify it.

o    If you have activated Zetadocs Workflows and wish to view the approval status, check the Document Workflow option.

5.   If you are upgrading from a version of Zetadocs prior to 6.1.338, read ZTN4352 and if you do not need the line-level mapping, follow only the steps to delete unecessary record mappings that can cause performance issues or errors in certain scenarios (note that you should only follow the steps to run the table and delete the entries, there is no need to apply the update mentioned priot to those steps as the fix is already rolled into later versions of the software).

Step 6: Zetadocs Archive Upgrade

Zetadocs Archive service does not create a backup of your system, please follow technote ZTN4291 for information on how to do a backup if needed.

If Zetadocs Archive is already installed from a previous release please follow these additional steps, otherwise skip this section.

1.     Go to the start menu and search for Services.msc.

2.     Stop the Zetadocs Archive Service.

3.     Reinstall following the steps in the Installation guide. You may need to confirm that you are upgrading to the last Zetadocs Archive Service in the dialog.

4.     Start the Zetadocs Archive Service.

If you are upgrading from 5.0 or 5.4 to 10 of Zetadocs for NAV and you previously had Zetadocs for NAV version 4.x installed then you also need to complete these steps:

Open NAV and then the Object Designer.

1.     Locate and run the Zetadocs System Settings table (ID:9009959)

2.     Add a new record called ForceSearchByRecordLink, check the bool field and close the table.

3.     This will instruct Zetadocs to search your archive for items archived using the RecordLink method.

4.     Create Index in SharePoint (for SharePoint users):

·         Zetadocs SharePoint Extensions does not create an index for the Zetadocs Archive ID automatically. It is recommended to create it manually to improve the performance of your system, to create it please follow the technote ZTN4398.

Step 7: Zetadocs Server Upgrade

To upgrade the Zetadocs Server to the latest version simply:

1.     Open the Setup file in the Zetadocs Server folder

2.     Follow the wizard to accept the software licence agreement and complete the installation.


Zetadocs for NAV Essentials Installation Guide

ZTN4398 - PRB: Related document search fails in SharePoint when any document library contains more than 5000 documents

ZTN4291 - HOWTO: Backup and Restore a network folder based Zetadocs Archive

ZTN4301 - HOWTO: Import language modules in NAV 2013 R2 or NAV 2015

ZTN4275 - HOWTO: Manually modify the NAV pages, forms and reports

ZTN4370 - PRB: Compilation of assembly error when using Zetadocs on NAV 2013 R2

ZTN4371 - HOWTO: Upgrade Zetadocs Customize and Integration Codeunits from Zetadocs for NAV v6.1 to v7.1

Last updated: 15th December 2020 (JC/NT)