INFO: Zetadocs NAV Server Delivery batch lifecycle
ID: ZTN4456
This Zetadocs technical note applies to:
- Zetadocs for NAV v8.0
This technote will explain the lifecycle of a Zetadocs NAV Server Delivery batch and what happens when a batch is paused in the middle of the execution and then resumed.
More information
After a job is queued for Server delivery then the steps below describe the lifecycle of Zetadocs NAV Server Delivery.
- Generates a temporary PDF.
- Sends the document.
- Print the document.
- Archive document.
- Delete the temporary document.
After every successfully completed step, the status of the job is updated. This allows Zetadocs NAV Server Delivery to continue from the point where the failure happened. There is one scenario where Zetadocs might repeat a step and that is if Zetadocs finished a step but did not update the status of the job. Once restarted Zetadocs will assume that that step has not been run and it will run again.
Last updated: 23rd March 2016 (JC)
Keywords: Server Side Delivery, NAV Restart, duplicated emails, duplicated documents.