PRB: Email Gateway settings lost after V9 SP1 upgrade
ID: ZTN1423
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Version 9 Service Pack 1
When upgrading from Zetafax version 9 to version 9 Service Pack 1, some users have reported that their email gateway becomes un-operational. Upon checking the settings in the Zetafax Configuration program, it appears that they no longer have an email gateway configured, and the error message "An attempt was made to access conversion in progress for: past its end." is displayed when trying to configure a new gateway:
This problem is caused by incompatible versions of a mail settings file between Zetafax version 9 and version 9 Service Pack 1.
To resolve the problem, you should do the following:
- Stop the Zetafax Server service/application and Zetafax Configuration programs.
- Browse to the following location:
< Zetafax server install folder> \MAIL\DATA\
- Rename the file called SERVMAIL.DAT to SERVMAIL.OLD
- Start the Zetafax Configuration program and check the settings for your configured email system.
- Re-enable your email system if it has become disabled and check to see that users are still enabled to use the email gateway, if they are not, re-enable the appropriate users.
- Start the Zetafax Server and send a fax.
This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.
Last updated: 25th August 2011 (GR/SV/MW)