Technical Notes, Zetafax

PRB: Some International characters are incorrectly interpreted by Zetafax mail gateway


ID: ZTN1527

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax version 9 and later


The Zetafax system has been configured as detailed in ZTN1116 for International support. All accented International characters in the email attachment are rendered by Zetafax correctly; however some specific accented characters in the body text or addressing information are not.


The Zetafax server, email gateway and connector can only support a single ASCII codepage. When a single Zetafax system is handling faxes for more than one core language, some language's extended characters are outside this codepage and are therefore incorrectly interpreted. So for example if a standard western codepage is in use, some Greek, Hebrew, Czech and Polish characters will not be rendered correctly.


The software is functioning as designed.


ZTN1116-HOWTO: Enable international language support with Zetafax

Last updated: 14 June 2006 (GC/EB)

Keywords: extended characters Polish Hebrew Greek Czech letters