PRB: Test connection fails when configuring Zetafax with Lotus Notes
ID: ZTN1062
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax 5.5 and later
- Lotus Notes 4.x and later
The Zetafax e-mail gateway may be configured with Lotus Domino server to enable users to send and receive faxes from their Lotus Notes clients. To achieve this you will be prompted by the Zetafax configuration program ZFSETUP to provide key information about the Lotus Domino server. If this information is not entered correctly or if ZFSETUP is unable to locate the Notes application extension the 'Test connection' will fail with an access violation or other configuration error.
More information
Ensure you have followed the instructions detailed on page 72 of the Zetafax software guide 'Installing the Zetafax e-mail gateway for Lotus Notes', and confirm the following:
- Search the local drive for NNOTES.DLL and make a note of its location. There should be only one in the \notes folder, where 'notes' is the name of the directory where the Lotus Notes client files are installed. Rename any other NNOTES.DLL to NNOTES.DLL.OLD
- Launch a command prompt and type: PATH. Check that the path statement includes the folder containing NNOTES.DLL. Edit the path statement if not, using the System applet in the Control panel.
- Check the %windir%\NOTES.INI, KeyFileName: line is set to ZMAILGAT.ID, where 'ZMAILGAT.ID' is the name of the Zetafax user ID file set up during the Notes configuration (e.g. KeyFilename=Z:\data\ZMAILGAT.ID). The quickest way to achieve this is to use Tools> Switch ID.. from the Notes client 'File' menu.
- The ZMAILGAT.ID must have manager access to FAX.NSF (Zetafax mail routing mailbox) and MAIL.BOX (Domino message store) with the right to delete documents.
Launch zfax\SERVER\ZFSETUP.EXE, where 'zfax' is the name of the directory where the Zetafax server files are installed. Choose 'Change server settings' radio button and click OK. Highlight the 'Mail' category click the 'Configure...' button. Select Lotus Notes from the enabled e-mail systems and click 'Setup'. Check that the following entries are valid before clicking 'Test connection':
- The 'Server name' is the name of the Domino server where you created FAX.NSF (e.g. Domino_server_name/ln46).
- The 'Foreign Domain' is matched to the Notes foreign domain you created and associated with FAX.NSF, the gateway mail file name and the gateway server name in step1 (e.g. Fax).
- The 'Name of the Gateway Mail file' is valid and corresponds with the gateway mail file name in step 2 above (e.g. FAX.NSF).
Last updated: 11 May 2000 (GC/GW)