Technical Notes, Zetadocs

PRB: Unable to import Fax Broadcast recipients with 64-bit Excel


ID: ZTN2061

This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 2014 with 64 bit office


When using Fax Broadcast to send a fax where the recipient information is contained in an Excel file (.xls, .xlsx) when the recipient information is selected an error message will always appear stating ‘There is no suitable driver available’.


The ODBC driver supplied with 64-bit versions of Excel are not compatible with the Fax Broadcast client which is a 32-bit application.


Use a CSV file of recipients instead of XLS or XLSX (Recommended solution).

  1. Open recipients list in Excel.
  2. Select File then Save As.
  3. Change the “Save as type:” to CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)
  4. In the FaxBroadcast client select New.
  5. Select “Import Recipients from file”, open the CSV file
  6. In the Delimiter dropdown select the comma, ‘,’, press Next.
  7. Select the appropriate field names for Unique identifier, Fax number, Organization, Name (first) and Name( last). Press Next.
  8. Proceed to select the recipients from the list and continue with the fax sending wizard.

Alternative solutions if the CSV file cannot be imported:

  • Use a 32-bit version of Office, or
  • Use a 32-bit ODBC database to get the recipient information.


This restriction is due to an incompatibility between the drivers supplied by Microsoft and 32-bit applications.

Last updated: 27th June 2014 (SB/NT) 

Keywords: Fax broadcast fail compose wizard