PRB: User receives 'MSGDIR.CTL file is corrupt' error when new fax is received
ID: ZTN1182
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax version
When a new fax is received and the Zetafax client is open, you receive a new message alert. Clicking OK on this alert causes an error message that the MSGDIR.CTL file is corrupt.
Your Zetafax account is configured to forward received faxes to your e-mail Inbox. You also have the Zetafax client set to alert you when a new fax is received. The combination of these settings causes the above symptom. When Zetafax receives a fax, it is processed in the appropriate user directory before the e-mail gateway forwards it to the mail system. Once forwarded, the e-mail gateway deletes the fax in the user area and edits the entry in the control file (MSGDIR.CTL). The new message alert interferes with this process.
If your Zetafax account is e-mail gateway enabled and you also tend to use the Zetafax client, it is advisable to turn off the new message alert. Follow the instructions below to achieve this:
- Launch the Zetafax client.
- Select 'Alerts' on the 'Options' menu.
- Uncheck the 'Message received' alert.
You can then configure your e-mail client to alert you when new messages are received.
This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.
Last updated: 30 November 2001 (GC/DH)