Technical Notes, Zetadocs

PRB: Users cannot navigate to Page with Zetadocs Factbox


This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Zetadocs Delivery and Capture Extension version 2.0.21209 and earlier
  • Business Central version 14 and later


Users not assigned any Zetadocs User Permission Sets are unable to open any Pages with the Zetadocs Factbox, with an error stating "You do not have the following permissions on TableData Zetadocs..." and the Page is closed upon clicking OK.  

This will affect any non-Zetadocs enabled users on the system.


For the factbox to work correct users need access to various Zetadocs Tables, as the factbox is displayed on the Page for all users, even non-Zetadocs users need basic acccess to these tables.


All Business Central users on the system should be given the "ZETADOCS USER" Permission Set, this will allow them to navigate to the Page and see the Factbox. 


The behaviour of the software versions given above is as designed.

Last updated: 17th August 2021 (YE)

Keywords: Factbox, Permissions