PRB: When printing large batches, the Zetadocs Client does not load all documents
ID: ZTN4102
This Zetadocs technical note applies to:
- Version 2 and later of Zetadocs for GP
When a large batch or multiple batches are printed to Zetadocs, the Zetadocs Client may open with one or more jobs not appearing until the Zetadocs Client is relaunched. It may also be the case that the delivery dialog does not appear for one or more of the jobs.
This symptom will more likely manifest on a slow system. Zetadocs monitors the printer for print jobs and the existence of certain dialogs in order to determine whether more jobs are to be processed before launching the Zetadocs Client to load all jobs. In some cases, this monitoring does not wait long enough and so some of the jobs appear not to be processed.
There are 2 registry values that are used to control the wait times and these can be adjusted to suit the machine.
Firstly, browse to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Equisys\Zetadocs for GP. The following attributes can then be adjusted or added:
- DialogThreadWait (DWORD) – This is used for checking the existence of the Zetadocs delivery dialog and waits the specified number of seconds before making a decision on whether to launch the Zetadocs Client. In large batches and/or slower systems, this value should be increased to a higher number to give the dialog time to load. The default value is 5 seconds.
- PrintStatusCheckTimer (DWORD) – This is used for checking the existence of a Zetadocs print job in the Zetadocs Automation Subsystem printer. If a print job is found to exist in the printer queue, the Zetadocs delivery dialogs are not launched. It is only after the last print job has been fully processed that the first Zetadocs delivery dialog launches. The default value for this is 5 seconds and can be increased to a higher value.
Last updated: 16th November 2010 (NT/MW)