Technical Notes, Zetadocs

PRB: Zetadocs Server (Document Converter service) fails to install or fails to start after installation.


ID: ZTN4039

This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Zetadocs Server v1.0


This is issue can manifest itself as either of the two issues below:

1. While installing Zetadocs Server the installation pauses with the "Status: Starting Service" and then rolls back resulting in a failed install.

2. After a successful installation Zetadocs Document Converter fails to start and the Event Log has an error detailing that the service timeout during startup.


On lower specification systems, starting of the Zetadocs Document Converter service can take longer than the system timeout setting for service starting. At the end of the Zetadocs Server installation an attempt to start the service is made and failure to start causes the installation to fail.


Increasing the system service start timeout setting will allow more time for the service to start. To do this, please follow the instructions provided here:


This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.

Last updated: 03/04/09 (BM/MW)