PRB: Zetadocs Server service stops when a thumbs.db file is introduced into a queue folder.
ID: ZTN4151
This Zetadocs technical note applies to:
- Zetadocs Server v1.3
The Zetadocs Server service will stop when a thumbs.db file exists on a monitored queue folder. The log file will log out an error with the text ‘path is not of a valid form’ or similar.
This was due to an issue with the Zetadocs Server which produced incorrect information in the document queue data files for this type of file, which are hidden and very frequently updated.
A hotfix is available from Equisys Technical Support to resolve this issue. This also prevents any hidden files from appearing in the queues.
This fault was corrected in Zetadocs Server build 1.3.70
Last updated: 24th October 2011 (NT/MW)