Technical Notes, Zetafax

PRB: Zetafax Client problems after upgrade from Zetafax version 8 or earlier


ID: ZTN1339

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 9 or later


Zetafax 9 introduces a new Client install program and a new system of initialisation files and settings. This requires the 'Share Wizard' in the Server configuration program to be run before the Client installations are attempted.

Note: After new installations of Zetafax 9 the 'Share Wizard' is run automatically the first time the Zetafax Server Configuration is run. In general the problems described in this technical note will only apply to users upgrading to the latest version of Zetafax from versions earlier than 9.


  1. The Zetafax Version 9 or later client install runs without any errors but when I run the client it can't locate a Zetafax Server.
  2. During the client install I get the following dialog: -

After clicking 'OK' the install completes with no further problems. If I then run theclient it can't locate a Zetafax Server.


  1. On the Zetafax Server run the Zetafax Configuration program. Go to 'Server Settings' and run the 'Share Wizard'. Step through the wizard, this will set up the Zetafax Server folder shares and (on systems that support this) it will set up the Server location in Active Directory. From now on all subsequent Zetafax Client installations should complete successfully and the Zetafax Client programs should have the location of the Zetafax Server.
  2. On the machine with the completed client install, run the Zetafax client. If you have run the Share Wizard (as described above) and your OS supports AD the client should be able to read the Zetafax Server location from Active Directory. If the client still cannot detect the Server then, from the logon prompt, use the browse option and enter the location of the Zetafax Server. Alternatively you can re-run the client installation.

Last updated: 21/10/2005 (LD/DH)