Technical Notes, Zetafax

PRB: Zetafax Outlook Extensions or Forms are not updated following an upgrade install.


ID: ZTN1414

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax Outlook Extensions 8.0.1 and later.


After installing an update to the Zetafax Outlook Extensions, new functionality does not appear to be available, or

After installing a newer version of the Zetafax Outlook Forms, the older forms are still displayed.


Microsoft Outlook caches both custom forms and extension dlls on the local machine.  Under some circumstances, Outlook may reference the cached information even when the installed extensions or forms are newer.


To clear the outlook forms cache, follow these steps:

Open Microsoft Outlook

  1. Select Tools|Options (the Options dialog is displayed)
  2. Click on the 'Other' tab
  3. Click on 'Advanced Options.'
  4. Click 'Custom Forms.'
  5. Select the 'Custom Forms' tab
  6. Click 'Manage Forms.' - the Manage Forms dialog is displayed
  7. Click 'Clear Cache'

Under certain circumstances, users may have made copies of the Zetafax Forms locally in their Personal Forms folder.  These will also need to be removed in order to enable Outlook to retrieve the new forms from the Exchange Server.  To do this:

Follow the above operations in order to navigate to the 'Manage Forms' dialog.

Click the 'Set' button and select the 'Personal Forms' folder.

Delete the Zetafax Forms from this folder by highlighting them and clicking 'Delete' in the centre of the dialog.

To clear the extensions cache, perform the following:

  1. Close Microsoft Outlook
  2. Browse to the cached extensions folder for the appropriate user, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\< UserName> \Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook
  3. Delete extend.dat
  4. Restart Outlook

This will force Outlook to load extension information directly from the source dlls.  Note that deleting this file removes cache information for all extension dlls, and not just Zetafax Outlook Extensions.


This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.

Last updated: 11th October 2004 (GR/SV)

Keywords: Outlook Extensions Forms