Technical Notes, Zetafax

PRB: Zetafax Server closes down after upgrading to Zetafax 2007


ID: ZTN1627

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 2007


After upgrading to Zetafax 2007 the Zetafax Server closes down displaying the following message in the Zetafax Server logging window:

SYSMAN - error starting system SYSMAN - Closing down ZETAFAX Server


On certain systems there is an incompatibility between TAPI dialing properties and the Zetafax Server.


You need to use the Zetafax dialing properties to configure the telephone dialing properties.

  1. Open the Zetafax Server configuration program (start | programs | Zetafax | Zetafax configuration)
  2. Browse to Server settings | Telephone Dialing Properties
  3. Open the Dialing properties by selecting the Configure button
  4. Ensure the “Use Zetafax dialing properties” radio button is selected.

  5. Click OK and OK again to save the changes

You should now be able to successfully initialize the Zetafax Server.


This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.

Last updated: 18/09/07 (TA/GC)