Blogs, AP Automation

Accelerate AP processes with Zetadocs automated data entry

Document OCR that is ready to go for Business Central

As every finance team will know, manual data entry is repetitive, tedious and takes up a lot of time that could be better spent on more productive tasks.

Whilst the benefits of automating data entry using a document OCR (optical character recognition) solution for capturing data may be obvious, the effort that is required by busy finance teams to make this change is often significant and means it doesn’t happen.

Document OCR solutions typically need a lot of configuration before they can recognize and extract document data, for example by configuring templates or rules specific to each supplier that you receive invoices from. This can amount to a large up-front investment of time being needed before an OCR solution can start to be used.

A document OCR solution that just works out-of-the-box is the answer for many finance teams, to enable them to quickly realize the benefits of automating AP processes.

Intelligent OCR document capture

Zetadocs Capture offers a new AP automation solution that is ready to go for Business Central. Key features include:

  • Intelligent OCR that is ready to use without any upfront “training” of the system to enable the rapid capture of supplier invoices. Zetadocs leverages Microsoft Azure Applied AI Services, that combines powerful OCR capabilities with deep learning models, to analyze and extract key fields and line items from supplier invoices – with no rules or templates to set up and maintain for each vendor
  • Automated data entry to rapidly create new purchase records in Business Central. Zetadocs extracts key data from a supplier invoice, displays a preview of this information side-by-side with the original document and then creates a new purchase invoice or credit memo in Business Central – with the header and line information entered automatically
  • Cross-references that are made between captured data values and a Business Central vendor, item or GL account are always remembered by Zetadocs, saving more time in the future with no need to manually look up these values again

The Zetadocs AP automation solution is built on Microsoft's Applied AI tools. These tools have a huge amount of ongoing R&D investment, which means that over time it will keep getting better at recognizing and extracting invoice data. The GIF below showcases how easily Zetadocs Capture automatically creates a new purchase invoice in Business Central:

Faster than typing & ready to go

Zetadocs Capture accelerates AP processes by reducing the manual administrative effort that is needed and offers a very quick return on investment. Key benefits include:

  • It is ready to go for Business Central! Finance teams can immediately benefit from the time savings Zetadocs brings without having to spend time “training” the system
  • Faster than typing since Zetadocs creates purchase documents in Business Central with the header and line information populated automatically. Plus, it is quick and easy to rectify any discrepancies on a preview screen
  • Saves more time as you use it as Zetadocs always remembers the mappings that are made between captured data values and Business Central data
  • Easy access to original documents as Zetadocs archives original documents securely on Microsoft SharePoint Online, which are easily accessible via a FactBox shown on the Business Central page that displays the purchase record – enabling easy access across an organization

Want to find out more?

If you would like to know more about Zetadocs AP automation, please browse our website or Microsoft AppSource for more information.

There is also a 1-minute video about the Zetadocs product suite available here, that includes AP automation.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us directly or speak to your Dynamics partner if you would like to know more and discuss your requirements further.