Blogs, Professional services (PSA)

Seven steps to achieving optimal fee earner utilization

In our last blog we said that we would explore the why and the how to improve your processes and efficiency, to in turn, improve your bottom line. So with this in mind, we want to introduce you to our seven step guide to achieving optimal fee earner utilization. In this blog I will give you a brief introduction into those seven steps:

STEP 1. Set clear, measurable and achievable targets
- Giving business managers a clear way of putting targets in place for utilization and chargeability

STEP 2. Record chargeable time accurately
- Offering project personnel easy, fool proof ways to record time regularly and accurately against projects and clients

STEP 3. Track chargeable resources centrally & transparently
- Allowing project owners to track quickly and transparently where resources have been deployed, to which clients and on which projects

STEP 4. Plan resource allocation centrally
- Giving project planners a centralized and up-to-date view of project resource availability so they can allocate the right resources at the right time and in the right places

STEP 5. Manage project performance to targets
- Providing project owners with the necessary data to monitor and track project performance in real-time against targets

STEP 6. Invoice at key milestone points
- Ensuring that finance managers have accurate and current information with which to invoice clients for projects

STEP 7. Improve management decision making
- Arming directors and partners with access to all the reports and data they need in order that they can make rational business decisions affecting future resourcing

Next we will be looking into each of the steps with more detail. But if you can't wait until then, you can download our guide to the 7 Steps here.