Blogs, Expense management

User delegation with Zetadocs Expenses

Submit and approve expenses on behalf of another user

An employee with responsibility for submitting expense reports on behalf of their manager, for example a Personal Assistant (PA), can often waste time manually gathering all the information needed – such as the receipts and company credit card statement, plus any other information needed for recording and justifying the expenses.

Similarly, finance teams or other groups in the business that have multiple people responsible for approving expense reports, can often find it difficult to coordinate the efficient processing of expenses alongside all the other tasks that need doing.

The solution to these challenges is to ensure that everyone involved in the processing of employee travel and entertainment expenses has easy visibility of all the information needed to complete their tasks efficiently – user delegation can help achieve this.

Submit or approve expenses on behalf of another user

Zetadocs Expenses, a comprehensive expense management solution designed for use with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, allows users to be given delegate access. This eases the process of submitting expenses on behalf of somebody else, plus simplifies the approval of employee expenses for finance teams that have multiple people responsible for these tasks.

Highlights include:

  • Delegate to users or groups so that only specified users are given permissions to act on behalf of another user, according to the role(s) they have been assigned (submitter, approver and/or processor).
  • Email notifications are copied to delegate users giving them the visibility needed to take timely action. Any notifications which are related to approval tasks are sent to the delegate(s) with the approval role only.
  • Central control for the system administrator(s) who configure delegates and assign the appropriate roles – either against an individual user account or a group of users to make ongoing account maintenance easier.
  • Auditing is made easier with the report history always including details about the actions taken by a delegate user (i.e. a submit or approval action made on behalf of another user).

More convenience, time-savings and control

  • For managers and their delegates...
    • More convenience for managers who can capture their expense receipts easily (using the phone app to photograph the receipt or by forwarding email receipt to Each receipt is then automatically attached to a new expense and is immediately visible to their PA who has delegate permissions to submit expense reports on their behalf.
    • Time-savings for Delegates who have full visibility of the expense receipts captured by their manager and their company credit card transactions (which Zetadocs Expenses automatically links together when possible). Delegates can spend much less time manually uploading receipts and cross-checking information when compiling expense reports on behalf of their manager.
  • For finance teams…
    • More control: All Zetadocs Expenses users, including PA delegates, log in using their own account credentials (i.e. a Zetadocs Expenses or a Microsoft Work / School account) – after which it is then very easy for delegate users to switch between different user accounts without sharing login credentials. Delegate access is always controlled centrally by a system administrator, with full visibility of any delegate actions shown in the report history.
    • Smarter working for finance teams that have multiple members approving and processing expense reports. A single shared user account can be used in Zetadocs Expenses, with each team member set up as a delegate on this account. The benefits of this approach include:
      • Central visibility of all the approval tasks in one place, with email notifications copied to all delegate users – ensuring timely action can be taken even when some team members are unavailable.
      • The ‘Default Processor’ for expense reports (i.e. the finance team member that does the final stage report approvals) can always be set the same, meaning there is no need to configure and maintain different default processors for different users / groups.
      • Team members access the single shared account using their own login credentials, ensuring there is always full traceability of their actions in the report history.

Want to find out more?

If you would like to know more about Zetadocs Expenses, please browse our website or Microsoft AppSource for more information.

More specific information on user delegation in Zetadocs Expenses can be found in the Online Help here.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us directly or speak to your Dynamics partner if you would like to know more and discuss your requirements further.