Document management

What’s new in Zetadocs Delivery and Zetadocs Capture June 2023 update

AP automation improvements

This article describes the new features and other improvements in the June 2023 update of the Zetadocs Delivery and Zetadocs Capture Extension for Business Central.

Release date, version and availability 

June 28, 2023 (version 3.0.23177) available for download for on-premises Business Central systems from the release date, and on Microsoft AppSource for Business Central Online systems within ten working days of this release date.

Changes in this update 

Feature enhancements

Zetadocs Capture’s AP Automation solution has been updated this release with the following improvements.

OCR preprocessing

Zetadocs will now perform OCR preprocessing for all Accounts Payable Automation enabled queues to reduce the wait time between documents.

During the processing of first chosen document in the queue, Zetadocs will send the next and previous documents in the queue to the intelligent OCR service for analysis.

This new document queue experience will remove the analysing wait time for the next document in the list so that the Preview screen loads immediately after clicking the Process button.

Capture SDK enhancement

The Zetadocs Capture SDK has been updated to increase the number of possible business scenarios using the key value pairs functionality.

The entire vendor can now be replaced when the Preview screen loads using values recognised in the invoice header. An example of one of these scenarios is where a subcontractor named on the invoice is the intended Business Central vendor.

Quality and performance improvements 

This update includes a number of quality and performance improvements, including the following:

Copied order lines fail to be created

Resolved an issue with the Copy Order line to Invoice feature on the AP automation Matching screen, where the copied line failed to be added to resulting Purchase Invoice created in Business Central.

Improved vendor lookup

Zetadocs now uses additional fields recognized on the invoice to improve the initial vendor lookup on the AP automation Matching screen.

Line item searches fail with some characters

Resolved an issue whereby punctuation characters like dashes and commas in Business Central item names would lead to Zetadocs not automatically finding the item on the AP automation Preview screen.

Unable to post fixed asset lines

Zetadocs will now correctly create fixed assets specified on the AP automation Preview screen so that they can be posted without manual intervention.

Unable to process invoices with long order numbers

Resolved an issue processing invoices with long order number references using AP automation. When references will exceed the limit that Business Central allows, Zetadocs will truncate characters from the front of the number.

Preview screen rounds decimal quantities

Zetadocs AP automation preview screen now allows for quantities with up to 5 decimal places before rounding quantity values, or for Items, uses the item’s Quantity Rounding Precision value to round the quantity.

Zetadocs Document Queue reports “The JSON path 'Message' does not match any tokens”

Resolved a field truncation issue that led to AP automation enabled Zetadocs Document Queues reporting an error message when trying to process some invoices.

Vendor invoice line descriptions are replaced by GL account name

Resolved an AP automation issue introduced on June 14, 2023 (version 3.0.23165) where the line-item descriptions recognised on the supplier invoice, are replaced by the Business Central GL account name, or Business Central item name, when the Business Central Purchase Invoice is created. This issue was corrected on June 28, 2023, with a new extension update (version 3.0.23177).