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Automation Commands

Note: These embedded commands apply specifically to the automation add-on and will work only if you have purchased a licence for automation.



You can specify the name of the batch by the adding the following command:


%%[batch: «name»]


where «name» is the name of the batch. This name will be displayed in the column entitled Name, of the batch preview pane. Specifying a batch name is optional.


Batch Preview

You can either hold your documents in the batch for preview in the Zetadocs Client or send them automatically. This will override the Preview batch before sending option you have already set in the Automation tab from Tools menu»Options. To override the Hold for preview option you had set as default, you can use this command:


%%[batchpreview:«on or off»]



Specifying on means that the documents in the batch will be held for preview in the Zetadocs Client.


Specifying off means that the documents in the batch will be sent automatically via the delivery options specified. Only documents not sent successfully will remain in the Zetadocs Client.


The values that can be used with the command are:







These values are not case sensitive.


Delivery Option  

You can specify delivery options for a batch, which will then act as a "failover" mechanism. This means that if the document cannot be sent by the first method specified, for example if the email address is wrong, it will be sent using the second method.  


%%[deliveryoption: Email, Fax, Print]


in the example above, the document will be sent by email first, if it is not sent successfully, then it will be sent by fax. If not successful, the document will be sent to the printer.



%[deliveryoption: EmailandFax]


in the above example, the document will be sent both by email and fax. Both the email address and fax number are displayed in the column entitled Delivery of the batch preview pane.



%%[deliveryoption: Fax, Print]


in this example, the document will be sent by fax first, if it is not successfully sent, then it will be sent to the printer you specify.



Dynamic Fields

Zetadocs allows you to define fields that can be included within the delivery information in the recipients, subject and body text of the email. To create a field use the command:


%%[field: «fieldname», «fieldvalue»]



«fieldname» is any descriptive word for your field, but with no spaces e.g.  firstname

«fieldvalue» is the value of the field.


For example:


%%[field: firstname, Harry]


To use the field within the email, simply include it using the command:


%%[«field name»]


For example:




In this example, the field firstname would be replaced with the value Harry. It is also possible to give a default value to be used for the field if it has not been defined, using the command:


%%[«fieldname», «default value»]


For example:


%%[firstname, Customer]


In this example, if the value of firstname has not been set it would be replaced with Customer instead.


Dynamic fields can be combined with the other embedded commands. You can use these fields to put merge values in any set embedded command for example:


%%[Field, name, Harry]

%%[Field, company, Widgets Inc.]

%%[OutputFilename: %%[company] - %%[name] ]


The output filename of the document that includes the above embedded commands will be “Widgets Inc. – Harry”. As before, you can also add a default value.


For example:


%%[OutputFilename: %%[company] - %%[firstname, Customer]]


So the output filename of the document this time will be “Widget Inc. - Customer”, since the dynamic field firstname was not defined in the document.


When field commands are used in conjunction with the archiving commands for SharePoint, a third parameter denotes that the field value should be passed as metadata for the document. This is done by specifying the following:


%%[Field: «fieldname», «fieldvalue», ARCHIVE]