Configuring Custom Data
Zetadocs Approvals has been designed to work with a wide variety of NAV setups by providing the ability to pass through custom data from NAV to Zetadocs Approvals. NAV systems are often highly customized with specific fields added to NAV to contain information vital to a particular businesses needs, by making a few adjustments to the connector configuration you can pull this information through into Zetadocs Approvals. Once there it can be displayed to your users to provide them with information tailored to your business and enable them to process their approvals.
Setting up Custom NAV FieldsZetadocs Approvals can access a wide variety of NAV data, however to limit the amount of information it accesses and thus provide a quicker more efficient user experience, the information is limited to a selection of the core fields required for approval. These can be augmented with specific custom data to provide users with additional information, by detailing the information required in the connector configuration file it is possible to add up to ten customizable fields to each web service.Custom Data LimitationsWhilst Zetadocs Approvals strives to be as flexible as possible there are obviously limitations to the scale and types of custom data we can accommodate. The following are recommended guidelines and limits of the custom data field.
Custom field character limit We can only support a maximum of 1024 characters in any field before the volume of data causes problems. However large numbers of characters are obviously difficult to display and also slow the system due to the volume of data that has to be requested from your NAV system.
Unique sourceName and targetName values Each sourceName and targetName must be unique for that document type e.g. you can have Department code as a field across multiple document types but can only map to it once per document type.
Text fields only Custom data fields can only be used to hold text values.
Identifying the Custom Data Fields in NAV1.Open NAV and select the object designer, open the Zetadocs page relevant to the document type you are configuring e.g. Zetadocs Purchase Order page in the page designer. 2.Locate the the “SourceExpr” on one of the TextFields and change it to map to the required value. Note: You can only map each value from NAV once per page. oThis can be anything which results in a Text value: ▪Record Field ▪Constant text value ▪Function Call Note: Do not change any other value such as “Name”, “Caption”, “SubType” etc 3.Take a note of the TextField number that you have set particular values to. (E.g. TextField1 = Department Code) 4.Save your changes. 5.You can test your changes by: oRunning the page. oOpening the web service address in Internet Explorer or another suitable internet browser.
Adjusting the Zetadocs Approvals Connector Configuration FilePlease Note: This section assumes that you have already configured your connector to establish the link between NAV and Zetadocs Approvals. Having configured the connector you may have noticed the Field Mappings section of the configuration file. This is configured separately for each of the document types and consists of 10 separate text field values that can be configured and matched to target names which will be displayed by Zetadocs Approvals. This can be done for both the summary display and the also for the lines WebService. As you can see in the code sample below the first two fields are preconfigured to Department Code and Project Code.
<WebService type="PurchaseInvoice" serviceUri="http://localhost:7047/DynamicsNAV/WS/CRONUS%20International%20Ltd/Page/PurchaseInvoice" dateOffsetMonths="12" maxSearchPageSize="100"> <FieldMappings> <!-- sourceName - Represents the name of the field in the NAV page. targetName - Is the name of the field that will be populated in the web. --> <Field sourceName="TextField1" targetName="Department Code" /> <Field sourceName="TextField2" targetName="Project Code" /> <!--<Field sourceName="TextField3" targetName="" /> <Field sourceName="TextField4" targetName="" /> <Field sourceName="TextField5" targetName="" /> <Field sourceName="TextField6" targetName="" /> <Field sourceName="TextField7" targetName="" /> <Field sourceName="TextField8" targetName="" /> <Field sourceName="TextField9" targetName="" /> <Field sourceName="TextField10" targetName="" />--> </FieldMappings> </WebService>
1.Open the Zetadocs.Approvals.Connector.Service.Config file in notepad or another suitable text editor. 2.Locate the Company and then Document Type web service you wish to add a custom field mapping for. 3.The first two mappings (“TextField1” and “TextField2”) are set by default to “Department Code” and “Project Code”. These can be used as is, edited or used as samples as required. 4.To add an additional mapping move the start comment tag <!-- in the file, which instructs the service to ignore the code contained within them, and place it after the last custom field you wish to setup. e.g. if configuring 5 text fields replace the <!-- code at the start of the TextField6 line <!-- <Field sourceName="TextField6" targetName="" />. 5.Edit the first sourceName to match the TextField number that you configured above. Please Note: Each sourceName and targetName must be unique for that document type e.g. you can have Department code as a field across multiple document types but can only map to it once per WebService. 6.In the targetName entry to add the field name that will be used in the Zetadocs Approvals web UI to describe the value pulled from NAV. 7.Repeat as required for the remaining TextFields, Document Types and Companies. 8.Once you have completed the custom field setup you can configure final section of the Zetadocs.Approvals.Connector.Service.Config file, the link to your document archive.