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Anonymous Sending Setup

When Fax Relay messages are sent anonymously, the Zetafax Server requires an ID to identify the device from which the message was sent. This is provided by the dial plan set on the device from which the fax originated, please see the Equisys Website for further details on setting up specific devices.


Each device is configured so that a Device ID is added to the dialled number if no User ID has been specified. The administrator configures a Zetafax User account for each Fax Relay device, specifying the Device ID as the sub-address routing parameter for each user. The message is then sent from that account and the messages stored in the sent items for that account. Associating the device with a user account, in this way you can specify the printer used for printing status messages on message completion. It also helps in identifying messages sent anonymously in the sent message archive and billing log.


Setting up sent fax confirmations

To ensure that users are notified of the status of the sent fax we need to setup the user account of the device to print a status report when sending anonymous faxes.


On creating the Zetafax user you will be presented with the Zetafax users screen.

Select the user by double clicking on it to display the Zetafax User Details screen.

Select the Printing button and then in the Sent faxes section uncheck the Use default server settings option.

Select Print fax status and then click the Select button.

Select the device from the Printer to use drop down menu.


On sending a fax anonymously from this device a status report will now be printed.


Archive management

As these users accounts are not managed by a user you may wish not to store these messages. As they can build up over time without a user viewing and clearing them in the Zetafax Client, to do this simply follow the steps below:



Open the USER.INI file

Add the following lines to the bottom of this file


oDelete: YES

Save the file. Faxes are now deleted from this user’s outbox if the Fax Relay feature is enabled.

There is a second option that allows fax relay items to be saved to the sent archive. The additional INI file line can be added to the USER.INI as above (in the [RELAY] section):

oSentItems: NO

Note: If sent items and delete functionality are not required, the lines can either be deleted from the INI file, or the options changed to read ‘NO’