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Configuring Delegate Users

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Configuring Delegate Users


A delegate user can be configured for any Zetadocs Expenses user account, which gives them permission to act on behalf of the user (i.e. submit, approve or process Expense Reports or Payment Card Reports, depending on the roles they have been assigned).


Example scenarios

1.Manager with a Personal Assistant (PA)

A senior manager who has a PA who is responsible for administering their expenses. In this scenario, the PA user can be configured as a delegate on the managers user account to give them the permissions needed to submit and approve expenses on their behalf.

2.Multiple finance processors using a shared account

A finance team may have multiple processors responsible for processing reports, all using a shared Zetadocs Expenses account. In this scenario, the shared user account in Zetadocs Expenses can be configured with multiple delegates, so that each finance processor user can process all reports without needing to share sign-in credentials across the team, with email notifications copied to each delegate user.


Delegate users receive a copy of notification emails for the user. Notification emails about reports which have been submitted for approval are copied to the delegate user who submitted the report, and emails for approval tasks are sent to all delegates with the relevant approval role for that user.

Actions taken by a delegate user on behalf of another user are always shown in the report history to ensure there is full traceability.



note_image Note: Below details how to configure the two common scenarios outlined above. You can configure your system to meet your individual requirements.


Example 1 - 'User B' needs to be configured to submit expenses for 'User A'

1.Log into Zetadocs Expenses using an Expenses Administrator user account

2.Navigate to the Users section and manage_icon (MANAGE) the 'User A' user record.

3.Tap Edit User List (under the Delegate Users section).

4.Ensure the the Show All Groups option is ticked.

5.Place ticks in the 'Processor' | 'Approver' | 'Submitter' options (as appropriate) against 'User B'

6.Tap Save when finished.


Example 2 - A shared user account ‘Finance’ needs to give delegate permissions to multiple users

Assumptions: The shared user account has the “submitter”, “approver” and “processor” role assigned to it and is the default processor for all users. This means that the second stage approval tasks for expense reports and Payment Card Report approval tasks are assigned to this user account.


note_image Note: As per the steps detailed below, when configuring a user account to have multiple delegates with the same permissions, it is recommended to create a group for these users first. You can then configure delegate permissions using the group rather than have to select each user individually and this makes ongoing maintenance of user accounts easier too.


1.Log into Zetadocs Expenses using an Expenses Administrator user account.

2.Navigate to Groups and tap New Group to create a new group.

3.Give a name to the group i.e. 'Delegate Processor'.

4.Tap Edit User List and add place ticks in the 'Allow' options (as appropriate) against each of the users you want to add to the group.

5.Navigate to the Users section and manage_icon (MANAGE) the shared account user record (e.g. ‘Finance’).

6.Tap Edit User List (under the Delegate Users section.

7.Ensure the the Show All Groups option is ticked.

8.Place ticks in the 'Processor' | 'Approver' | 'Submitter' options against the newly created 'Delegate Processor' group.

9.Tap Save when finished.


note_image Note: Selecting the 'Processor', 'Approver' and 'Submitter' roles is specific for this example, which gives finance processors maximum flexibility when processing reports. However, other options can be ticked for other scenarios. For example, you could create a group named 'Delegate Submitter' and assign this to several users where they can only submit expenses on behalf of the relevant user.



The full processes for submitting, approving, or processing Expense Reports or Payment Card Reports is the same when done by a delegate user.

If a user is a configured as a delegate for 1 or more other users, then they will be prompted to select a user account they want to log in as when they first sign-in. There is also the “switch user” option in the main menu if needed once logged in.