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Relevant to the hmtoggle_arrow0Submitter role.

How do I....?

Record and submit an expense I've paid for myself (reimbursable), or I've bought using my company's cash / card (non-reimbursable)


Refer to the following article

All expenses (excluding Fuel or Mileage).

Capturing Payment Expenses

Submitting an Expense Report

Fuel you've paid for yourself for business miles you've incurred in your private vehicle - Only reimbursable against company miles recorded against a separate mileage expense.

Capturing Payment Expenses (for fuel element)

Recording Mileage Expenses (for the mileage recording element)

Submitting an Expense Report (containing the fuel and mileage elements)

Fuel you've paid for yourself and used in your company vehicle - Only reimbursable against company miles recorded against a separate mileage expense.

Capturing Payment Expenses (for fuel element)

Recording Mileage Expenses (for the mileage recording element)

Submitting a Vehicle Report (containing the fuel and mileage elements - to calculate business miles incurred)

Fuel you've purchased with company payment card for use in your company vehicle - Deduct cost of private miles from my expenses total.

Capturing Payment Expenses (for fuel element)

Recording Mileage Expenses (for mileage recording)

Submitting a Vehicle Report (containing the fuel and mileage elements - to calculate private miles incurred)