This user is able to configure System Settings.
Accessed via:
> System Settings
Note: This help is applicable for all editions of Zetadocs expenses. Where features are only available they are marked according to the table below.
1 - This option is only available in the Essentials and Plus editions.
2 - This option is only available in the Plus edition.
Your default company is set up when you system is initially configured.
However, you can add additional companies to match other company profiles you may have in Business Central.
If you configure Zetadocs Expenses with more than one company, users will be able to specify which company they want their specific expenses to be assigned to when creating an expense.
Note: All companies will have the same Home Currency as defined on the System Settings.
Creating and Managing
oCreate new Companies using the Add New Company button.
oManage Companies via the
icon located to the right of the list.
Company Details
The unique name given to the company.
Display Name
The name of the company as it is to be displayed to the submitter in the mobile app.
This is the company for cross company settings and is only applicable for multi company configurations.
Version Info
Business Central Extension
This refers to the version of the Zetadocs Expenses Extension for Business Central.
Note: Only shown when {System Type} is either Business Central Online or Business Central On-premises.
NAV Server Components
This refers to the version of the Zetadocs Expenses objects imported into NAV.
Note: Only shown when {System Type} is NAV.
Connector Service
This refers to the version of the Zetadocs Expenses Connector service installed locally on your network.
Note: Only shown when {System Type} is either Business Central on-premise or NAV.
System Version
This refers to the NAV/BC version.
Journal Template
Used when exporting expenses as journals
This needs to match your Business Central journal template name i.e. GENERAL
Journal Batch Name
Used when exporting expenses as journals
This needs to match your Business Central journal batch name i.e. DEFAULT
Additional notes relating to the company setup can be entered here. These notes will not be visible anywhere else in the system.
Company Users
Note: If you have more than one company configured, you can specify which users or groups are able to create and submit expenses in a particular company.
Allow All Users
All employees will be able to submit expenses to this company.
Allow Listed Users
Specify individual users or groups who will be able to submit expenses in this company.
Edit User List button
Use this to add/remove employees who can submit expenses to/from the company.
Enabling / Disabling
oBy default, any disabled companies are hidden from the list. This ensures the list remains 'current'. However, you can include these in the list by placing a tick in the Include Disabled Companies check box..
oCompanies can be disabled via the Enable / Disable toggle.
Changing the Display Order
oCompanies can also be promoted / demoted in the list by dragging the
icon located to the left of the company.
oUse the Save button to save the list order. This order is then used in all Company drop down selectors.